Thursday, January 4, 2018


        I'm not sure how long I have been dreaming prior to logging them on my site. Who knows. Maybe I have been dreaming every night for years and years and just didn't know it.

         All I know is I'm not all of a sudden doing things differently that some expert might say triggered it. Especially, when it seems most all dreams do not have any connection. And, none over a couple of months have not been of the "Nightmare" category.

          To diagnose factors surrounding the dreams here are my own observations. First, Each night I get a fairly good nights rest 7-9 hours nightly. Second, my eating habits have not changed much at all, except for too much eating of popcorn and sweets after 7-8 0'Clock. Third, I'm not on any medication except for my baby aspirin and med for high cholesterol nor any alcohol, recreational drugs, or cigarettes. Fourth, most of my dreams occur after my middle of the night bathroom run.

        I believe I will continue to keep track of them by logging if for no other reason in case one pops up with some real "Whacky" revelations! Who knows, maybe one dream will turn out to be a dynamo book or Academy award movie? I'm not holding my breath, but does give me something to look forward to! 

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