Wednesday, January 17, 2018


         Written on February 10, 1955, 5th grade, Laurel Consolidated School, Lauel, Iowa.Age 11

                                                 A DOG'S DILEMMA

         My name's Skip. I am a Cocker Spaniel. I live on a Wyoming ranch. Everyday I get up and watch the cattle. Sometimes I get very tired. One time a calf got out and I was chasing him all over. Finally, I got him back in his pen. When my master came out he thought I was chasing him just for fun and he kicked me.

      So that night I sneaked away. When I got about a mile away I saw a coon and I chased him all over and finally I got him. Then,I ate him. And boy was he good! After awhile I lay down under a tree and went to sleep. 

      In the morning I met a Collie. We went all different places. We went down to the pond and played. Then we saw a man. He took us to his house and used Mike (Collie) for watching the cattle and me for watching the house.

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