Monday, January 15, 2018


         Written May 2, 1955 in 5 the grade, Laurel Consolidated School, Laurel, Iowa. age 11.

                                                         TOUGH BOYS

         "Hello, what are you doing here, John?" "I'm going to pay you back for putting that bubble gum in my hair, you monkey," answered John. "I'm sorry about that. I guess I had one too many," said Mike. "I should give you a ring around that right eye of yours," replied John angrily. "Let's go and swipe a couple of apples," said Mike. "You go get your old apples. I'm going to get some bubble gum," remarked John.

                                                         (Later in the Pool Hall)

       "Hi, Pete! Where's John?" "He went to get some old bubble gume" "Will you play a game of 8 -ballwith me?" answered Pete. "Sure, I will. Give me a good cue," said Mike.

                                                           (After 23 games)

       "I better go home now, with one eye *closed," said Mike. "Yeah! It's four o'clock. Bye!" said Pete.

* I have forgotten my intent, but, assume Mike got hit in the eye with ball or Pete hit him in eye for getting beat too many times? 

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