Saturday, January 6, 2018


       Prior to the construction of I-35, if you wanted to drive to Kansas City from Des Moines, one would take #65 a two lane narrow, windy road with several bridges around the Bethany area. I'm not sure of the exact period of time, late 1960's-early 70's possibly, and I'm not sure where I had been to be coming back north along #65, but not that important to the story. 

         I do remember coming around a sharp curve and then approaching this narrow bridge. All of a sudden I saw this auto was up ahead actually teetering on the left side north bound bridge abutment. There was just this lady driver in the car still sitting behind the steering wheel. 

        She was probably scared to death in knowing that with just some slight movement her car could tip over and land in the river or creek down below some distance. She was rescued quite quickly and by most accounts had panicked after facing a truck coming from the other side on this very narrow bridge!   


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