Wednesday, January 17, 2018


        All this talk about immigration--too much, too little, wrong kind of people, too few skills, and on and on it goes. There was an old movie where there was a scene in a court room and the Judge made a comment -"The Truth Lies in the Middle!" So it is with immigration. 

Yes, a lot of us came over via family that  had very little in terms of money or skills. Besides, three generations ago, most industry was agriculture. Today is totally different. With our Capitalistic/Democracy system, it lends itself to prosper as one of the best in the world.

         Maybe it's time to change the method of allowing immigrants into this country. Tie it closer to the GNP and other economic conditions.  Since our population is at a confortable level, 3 million or so, maybe it's time to slow down a bit. what good does it do to let population rise unchecked. We don't need over-population. Steady as she goes.

         If and when there are human catastophe's, we should study the situation and be in a position to assist with more immigrants no matter where they are from or their talent skills.
Just like a dam and a lake. Hold that water back somewhat so that when there is a flood, there's room to handle the flood!

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