Thursday, January 25, 2018


          When in high school and college getting an A was a very rare thing. Mostly B's and too many C's were seen on my report cards. I should have been happy that I didn't see the big D more often.

        I have known a few old fellow students in high school days that barely made it through high school because of grades, and yet, were extremely successful in later life. I am  happy that at least I was somewhat consistent.

          Back in my days of selling real-estate, I never seemed to be able to achieve that Elite group of top producers. Even though I made the so-called "Million Dollar Club," I was not in the top few. Some consolation, I was part of my own Realtor's Top 7% Club.

       Remember when your mother told you--"Do the best you can!" Later in life, I did finally wake up to the fact that no matter how well you do, there will always someone that does better. My motto now has been -- "At least I made the All Star Team though I was not a starter!"

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