Thursday, January 11, 2018


        When in 3rd grade at Laurel Consolidated School, I had my appendix out and was hospitalized for a few days. The following are a few letters that some of my class-mates wrote to me with the encouragement  of our teacher Mrs, Andrews. They were all written January 6, 1954. Yes, I still possess all these letters and they are in mint condition. 

                      Dear Dennis
                              We changed our seats around today.
                       How do you feel to night? I had an ear 
                        ache last week or do you know it?
                                We are going to start our new  check
                         up chart next week. Hurry up and get well

                                                     Your friend 
                                                                      Donna I.      (over)

                          What did the big chimney say to the 
                              little chimney? You're to young to smoke.
                                         Ha Ha Ha

                              Dear Dennis
                                       How are you getting along
                                We have moved our seats 
                                  When did you have your operation?
                                 We read about Captain Kidd .
                                  How long is a lady's skirt?
                                   A little above two feet.

                                                       Your friend
                                                         Gary McKeag

                                  Dear Dennis

                                       How are you coming along? We had 
                                    maid-rites and cookies today. Bill and
                                    Bill and another boy left this morning. 
                                    I had fun with my chemistry set, I tested 
                                    some water with iron. We had an 
                                    interesting story in reading, the name  was
                                    Bushy Tails Escape. It was exciting. Well
                                    I guess I better sign off for now.

                                                                             Your friend
                                                                              Ben ? or Wunn

                                       ******taped below was a cartoon from a magazine that
                                        showed a boy bringing an apple to his teacher at school. 
                                        He then says--"I bought you an apple, Miss Brown--can
                                         I eat it now?"

       to be continued----------------





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