Tuesday, January 16, 2018


Witten January 27, 1955 (on my birthday) 5th grade, Laurel Consolidated School, Laurel, Iowa age 11. 

                                    SOMETHING I'LL NEVER FORGET

         One thing I'll pobably never forget is when my sister, Doris, and I went on top of Pike's Peak. It was a very exciting and scary trip. Last summer we went to Colorado Springs. *Mom, Doris, Deborah, and I.) When we where out there, my sister and I decided to take a trip to the top of Pike's Peak. **(my mom didn't go as my youngest sister, Deborah, was only four yrs. of age.)

       There was an informational**(TOUR) house across from our cabin. So, we went over and asked about it. The woman there said we could go in the morning. So, in the morning when we woke up we got ready and we went. We rode in a big Cadilac. We had to pick up other people and then we went. We got up there a little ways and had to pay toll.

       The man that was driving was real relaxed, but, I was nervous. We went around hairpin curves. Once, we about ran into another car. When we finally got up there you could see for miles. You could about see Nebraska. When you were up there your ears popped. 

       After we went back down we ate dinner and drove to Canyon**(Canon) City and there we saw the Royal Gorge and Colorado State Prison. Then we went home. 

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