Thursday, January 18, 2018


        We both came to the same conclusion that we did not want to stay anywhere near the Evergreens that night. We finally slept about a hundred yards away in a pasture that was supposed to be free of animals. I now it was late when I finally got to sleep because the moon had swept to the western skies from the east.

       I remember when I finally got to sleep how wonderful it would be to be able to sleep late in the morning. I ate those words the next morning about 4:30 A.M., because over a hill in the northeast came a beautiful and perfect orange ball. I tried to turn over and go back to sleep, but, as the sun progressed, its climb upward, it seemed to penetrate right through the back of my head.

        We both came to the same conclusion, again, that we might as well call it a lost cause and head for home. We were so tired after walking over those, what seemed mammoth size mountains, that when we finally reached my place, we both fell asleep in te back porch.

       When we woke, mom asked us where we had stayed. We didn't want to say we went over to the neighbor's without asking, so we just said down the road. She told us she was very glad that we hadn't stayed up by the Evergreens, because during the night the neighbor's horses were stampeded by some UNKNOWN THING and had torn down a lot of fence. It was ironic in the fact that they had gotten out and then had gone back to their original pasture as though nothing had happened. 

 footnote----( from teacher-"Good Story-Moves well."   A Minus grade)

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