Friday, January 19, 2018


      Written March 8, 1961, Junior, Laurel Consolidated School, Laurel, Iowa. Seventeen yrs. old.

                                                      WE THE PEOPLE

        I would like to know why people from other countries are always tearing down the United States? There are some who come from abroad that admire our country very such. These people are probably in the majority, but, it is that other small percentage that does the damage. Maybe someone from England or another European country will come our  way of living to shreds. They might say our women have it too easy, our children are all delinquents, or we are all a bunch of nervous wrecks.

      This country is always being criticized for something we are doing wrong. If foreigners will think it over, it was they who started this great country and built it to what it is today. When you get together about every type of race, color, and creed into one type of system, something is bound to be different. to me the only difference between our country and others is that we are one of  the strongest countries in the world. Naturally the rest of the world is watching to see what kind of a move were going to make next.

        Basically, people are the same all over the world; but, someone has to be the critics and someone has to be in the main ring. Since we are a democracy, or close to it, our newspapers have the right to publish events as they see them. For an example I would like to use the Little Rock affair we had not long ago. Europeans got to hear so much about Little Rock that they thought the whole country must be a Little Rock. They get to think everyone over here hates the Negro and that is the way we are living. This gives them the excuse to believe that the Negroes are unsatisfied, and they are revolting. What do people think about our government then?

-----------to be continued.


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