Thursday, January 18, 2018


       Witten May 16, 1955 in 5th grade, Laurel Consolidated School, Laurel, Iowa. Age 11.

                                                           A DOG'S ADVENTURE

        One time Sniffer the dog lived with his friend Coontail Jim. (He's a dog too) One day they went walking. They went down to an old shed. They found an old bed there and went to sleep. They both jumped when a jar fell right on Sniffer's head. For about ten minutes he saw red, purple, green, blue, yellow, brown, black, and orange stars.

        When they finally got out of there they were lost because it was dark. Bo-ing! "Ouch! I hit a tree. Oh-h-h my poor noggin." (Coontail) "Be quiet," said Sniffer, "Look for the North Star. That will help us." "I don't even know where  north is, let alone know where the North Star is," said Jim, a little droggily.

      "Watch out!" said Sniffer. "How come!" replied Jim.  "Because your foot's down my throat!" barked Sniffer.  "Oh! Oh! I'm sorry."!  said Jim. "You better be sorry! Just remember your foot doesn't taste too well, and another thing you haven't washed your stinking feet for months." said Sniffer.

       "All right! All right!" "Hey we're home!" "Yah!" "Thanks for sticking your foot down my throat."  "You're welcome." chuckled, Jim.

*** beneath was a sketched bathtub with steam rising. (Jim's bathtub)


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