Tuesday, January 16, 2018


           Written April, 4, 1955, 5th grade, Laurel Consolidated School, Laurel, Iowa. Age 11.

                                                        LOST IN AN OLD CAVE

       One night while I was lying in bed I wanted to go exploring. I got on my clothes, went downstairs to get some supplies and started out. That night it was foggy out. I couldn't see too well. I got down the road aways. I saw a place that looked like a cave. I went over to see if it was true. Sure enough it was a cave!

         I turned on my lantern and went in. It was awfully scary. I heard a loud noise. Out came a whole bunch of bats. Boy, that was a close one!! I went a little further and saw a little door. 

         I opened it and out popped--------nothing. I kept on going and saw spiders. Then at the end of the hall were Jim, Gary, Larry, Bob, and Dale. I asked them what they were doing there. They said that they heard Old man Grumpy hid some money in the cave. So-o-o-o-o we went searching.
Everybody split up. Gary went one way and I went the other. We hit each other  and we scared each other out of our wits. 

      Jim and Bob found the money. Lucky stiffs! We took it back to the police. They said we could keep it. We were rich pals the rest of our lives. So there you are! 

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