Thursday, January 11, 2018


        While in my personal archive, I ran across one more T-shirt with old memories of fun times gone by. This one involved obtaining this "Cleveland Browns T- Shirt" many years ago,late 1970's, while attending the Indianapolis 500 at Speedway, Indiana.

         While relaxing around the motorhome with the group I had come with, a young fellow walked by with this orange "Cleveland Browns" T-Shirt. I stopped him and told him I would pay him some amount if he would sell it to me as I was a big fan of that football team since I was a very young boy. 

        He declined my offer, but, said he would send me one at a later date so I gave him my name and address and no money.  About 2-3 weeks later and after I had forgotten the incident, I received this long TUBE at my office in West Des Moines, Iowa. It was THE T-Shirt. It restored my faith in how kind and thoughtful people can be!


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