Friday, January 5, 2018


         In the Obituary section of today's Des Moines Register was the notice of a Jack Schroeder a long time lawyer, founder of  General United Life Insurance Company in West Des Moines, Iowa, and also served in the Iowa Legislature. 

         On two occasions, I had the privilege to meet him through his son, Wally, who was a very close friend of mine, Bob Merritt. On one occasion, a few of us, including, Jack, Wally, Bob, and myself drove up to a sweet corn feed in Grimes or Granger. 

        Never in my life have I ever sat for a half hour or so and listen to a man, Jack, non-stop tell jokes and leaving everyone in the car laughing so hard that tears were streaming from everyone's eyes. It was like sitting there with a cross between Henny Youngman and Rodney Dangerfield. 

          The second time was at a bachelor's party for his son Wally. We all were taken by a chartered bus to Omaha from West Moines, Iowa, for the week-end. One thing that always impressed me was seeing Melvin Belli, a famous trial attorney, who joined us for at least one night of partying. It was neat knowing that you were going out for some fun with the likes of Jack and Marvin Belli.  


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