Wednesday, January 24, 2018


       After receiving my energy bill this week, I about freaked out when I viewed the three digit amount. I have always given thought to "Budget Bill" but, dismiss the idea when Spring or Fall comes around and the amount is extremely low. 

         I decided to call my energy provider to see if I could make arrangements for at least one month or so till Spring when income picks up a bit. I first tried the ol' on-line method just to see if with my computer savvy, I could accomplish my goal without actually talking to another human being. Nope. I didn't make it through the maze and gave up that idea.

         Next, I called the 800 number and knew that I would probably be put on hold 
till the next Blue Moon. Nope. Got right in after punching 1, to 2, back to 1, after a series of questions. Next thing I was listening to this "Robo Guy" who never did give me his name.

        After saying once or twice that I needed help with my power bill, he calmly and logically informed me that I could extend my payment until a certain date two months from now. I didn't have to put on any of my sales charm or get into a "vinegar/honey" dialogue.   That was the first time in my life I was a little stressed about dealing with a "bill paying issue" and when done I was calm as a cucumber!  Thanks HAL!

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