Monday, January 15, 2018


          Written May 6, 1955, 5th grade, Laurel Consolidated School, Laurel, Iowa. 11 years old.

                                             NEVER COMING HOME AGAIN

           One time in Bumstead, Connecticut lived Mrs. Hearting and her son. They found out that he had to go the Army. When he got in Camp Pot Shot, he found it was a very nice place, except for Sergeant Loud Mouth, who was always kicking him around. One time he made him scrub all the floors in the Mess Hall.

                                                          (A YEAR LATER)

        While he was in China the Second World War was on. The commander said they had to go to No Man's Land. While he was there everything was going well. Two weeks later he found out his mother had died of cancer. Then everything was gone.

      One day in 1950 Japs moved in. The U.S. was trapped in.All they had was 350 rounds of machine gun shells. When thet finally came they let them have it.

       Everybody was wipped out, even the darn old Sergeant. They had filled them so full of lead they looked like mouse-eaten cheese. Two weeks later U.S. Jets moved in and wipped the Japs out.

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