Friday, January 12, 2018


       I'm not sure what year( early 1960's) I was in when I did the following assignment on Thanksgiving, but, had to be in high-school as I used a typewriter and now I am re-writing it on a lap top computer.


         Well, it's that time of the year again. I guess the word I want to use is Thanksgiving. It seems a lot of people have completely forgotten the reason why we have Thanksgiving. I believe this holds true with the rest of the holidays.

        I don't want to sound like a pessimist or critic but I believe, as a lot of people will probably admit, Thanksgiving, like all other holidays, is becoming a time just to go visit grandma or Aunt Mary and Uncle Fred. Most all of us go there with usually one thing in mind, eat and then eat some more. For a lot of men it's a time to sit around and watch the Thanksgiving Day football games that are on television. To others, it's a day to go hunting or just go for a long trip.

       There is nothing really wrong with doing all these things, but, most of us do not stop to think what Thanksgiving really means. I believe if everyone would stop to give thanks before eating his or her meal on Thanksgiving Day, we might realize just how lucky we really are by living in a free country and having so much of everything. 

      We should not only be thankful just for food but, also our families, material things, such as our houses and cars, and many more things which could go on endlessly. I believe we should all give thanks each day to give gratitude to those people, ahead of us and those who fought for us, who made it possible for us to enjoy the freedoms we have today.

       I would now like to tell some of my own intimate feelings toward the subject Thanksgiving. As for me, along with many others, I am afraid I take Thanksgiving just for granted. But, as I sit here and type this I know and feel that it's not only Thanksgiving  o Christmas but, also here are a lot of things around  me that I take for granted every day.

         When I wake up in the morning, I come down and wash. I run and waste lots of water and think nothing of it. My mother cooks my breakfast and serves it to me. I finally realize how much for granted I take her when she is ill or is gone. 

       I come to school for a day, don't actually study very hard, and don't really realize that there are some kids in this country and others that can't or don't get an education. My biggest regret is that on Sunday when I go to Sunday School and Church, I do not realize how thankful I should be for having a place to worship.

        Now, I'm glad thof things I havw written this and have thought a lot of things over. I truly believe   if everyone would take time, at least, on Thaksgiving to think of all the trouble and heartaches that went into making this a free country and into giving us so much for which to be thankful , how much happier everyone in our country would be.

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