Wednesday, January 17, 2018


      I picked up my mail yesterday and one good thing was a small check that I had been waiting on. About mid-morning and knowng the bank would be open, I headed up town to mae my deposit along with some others.

       I thought I had brought it inside and layed it on my kitchen table. No check. I went through everything on the table, back to the car for a look around and back in for another look on the table. I even went back to the post office, looked around and mentioned it to one of the employees. 

        I had thrown some old newspapes into the Recycle bin which by now was sitting out at the end of the drive way for pick-up. I finally made the decision to haul the bin back into the house(since it was below zero in my garage) I put down an old shower liner and started pulling out stuff one at a time. Finally, after half-way through, there it was--the check! How-Why. Who knows! I guess I was about due. I don't think I have lost or misplaced a check in decades.  All's well that ends well, I guess!  

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