Thursday, January 11, 2018


         I found an old T shirt in my personal archives this morning and would like to share the significance. I had it made up specifically for a particular football game at Ames during the early 1980's, I believe.

          The T shirt was yellow, of course, had a "IOWA" on the front and on the back it proudly read---"If you ain't a Hawk you ain't shit!" My seats were obtained from a Cyclone friend and were on the west side, center, and in the heart of Cyclone country!

        When the game was over the Hawks had lost. There I sat with that T- shirt on. It was a warm early season game and I had no jacket to cover it up. There was only one thing to do. I took it off and stuffed it in my pocket. Thank goodness in those days I was young, relativly slim and trim. I'll let you figure out the moral of this story!

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