Friday, January 12, 2018


        The following is a piece I wrote on 5/23/1955 when I was eleven years old and attending Laurel Consolidated School and in fifth grade. 

A Birthday Party
         Four years ago I had a birthday party. Tony Preston, La Verne Paul, Ben Wunn, and Gary Campbell came. It was January 27, a cold day. When they came we played some games in the house. Then we went out out in the barn.

      When we got there we couldn't find a light. Finally we did and went upstairs.The barn was loaded with hay. We messed around jumping from bale to bale. We played hide-and-seek for awhile. Then we went to the top of all that hay. 

       Tony Preston slipped and fell down. It just so happened that there was a "bull" down there eating. When Tony saw it he came up there like a Jack Rabbit. For supped we had smashed potatoes, S bone steak, oats, I mean corn. We had desert, I mean dessert. Well, we had a good supper. 


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