Sunday, January 14, 2018

"MY TRIP TO HAWAII"--pure fiction

       The following was written in March 14, 1955, 5th grade, age 11, Laurel Consolidated School, Laurel, Iowa. ***Let it be known I never stepped foot on or near Hawaii until the early 1980's.

                                                    MY TRIP TO HAWAII

       Early last summer I took a trip to Hawaii. I started from San Francisco June 6, 1955. We started out. It was at night. The bright lights were really pretty. Oh, by the way, I'm a geologist.
I'm going searching for lava and otgher rocks.
        June 7, 1955, I arriand beautiful floweresby songs ved at Honolulu. I was welcomed by songs and beautiful flowers. I got myself a cabin. and stayed there all night. The next morning I got up and began searching. The Hawaiian islands used  to have over forty volcanoes, but, now it only has two. I now have many rocks.

       The natives are very fiendly. Each day I go swimming and surf riding. Friday I went skin-diving. While I was under water I saw many fish. I saw crabs, stingrays, starfishes, and many others. I had been swimming under water for  about 30 minutes. I saw something up ahead. It looked like an old ship. 

        I went up to to surface. I asked some other men if they would go down with me and help    bring up the treasure. They said no, because there was a great fish down there and whoever went down there it would kill them.

-----------------------to be continues.  

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