Monday, January 22, 2018

WE THE PEOPLE--continued


       Another wrong conception Europeans get is about the way of living in the United States. When a motion picture is sent over there most of them show (movies) our way of living as being luxurious and extravagant. How do the people in this country live then? All those Americans drive big cars, live in big houses, and they all are millionaires. They get this idea from the tourists that visit European countries. They get this idea from the tourists that visit European countries. Most of the tourists are quite wealthy, and they get to believe that everyone in this country lives that way. That id their idea of our way of living.

        Another angle of the picture is our juvenile delinquency problem. Puerto Ricans, although they are part of the United States, are still Spanish decent. These people come to New York thinking the opportunities are better there. If they don't find jobs, or do, their children are left to run wild and get into all kinds of trouble. You can't blame it all on the Puerto Ricans, though.

       Wars have brought some of the biggest changes to this country and others. The position of this country and our type of government, of course, has made this a wide open place  of discussion and criticism. The thing that makes me perturbed is that the more we do for other countries the less gratitude we get. Countries are like people because they are made up of individuals. They would have to act like people then. Although, the world can sit and criticize us, it was they who made this country what it is today. In my eyes this is the greatest country in the world.  

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