Tuesday, January 16, 2018


       Written March 28, 1955, 5th grade, Laurel Consolidated School. Laurel. Iowa. 11 years old.

                                         A DUEL BETWEEN SKIP AND A STRAY DOG

          My dog Skip is a very good dog, sometimes. If anybody ever tries to hurt me he doesn't let them. If it's ever cold out I put him in the basement where it's warm.Now you see why my dog and I are good friends.

       One day while my dog and I were playing in the front yard we saw a stray dog coming up the road. We just kept on playing for awhile. Then the dog came into the yard. Skip went out and started barking. He ran away and we didn't see him for awhile. 

       Then about a week later he came back. Skip started getting real mad at  the intruder. He went out and started in fighting.  Skip kept on the top. They rolled and rolled. Skip started in growling and getting real, real, real, mad. The dog was so scared that he went away forever. Boy, was that a close one!

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