Saturday, January 27, 2018


       My sister, Doris, found an old letter that was written by Elsie Christian, a niece/aunt relationship, to my grandmother back in 1941 after my Grandpa Smith passed away. My mother and Elsie were cousins and she lived with husband George in southeastern Wyoming near Lusk.

        I remember going out there and visiting on at least one occassion and was really cool to stay on a real western ranch, complete with lots of cattle, bunk-house and a single engine airplane that was owned by them.  I would like to take the opportunity to share this letter at a trying time for their families.  


                                                                                                           Hat Creek, Wyo.
                                                                                                              Jan. 20

              Dear Aunt Minnie, 

         We were so sorry to hear of Uncle Henry's death and have intended to write to you sooner but we have had so much sickness here since Papa left.  We were both more concerned about his death as it seemed such a short time we were there and enjoyed  our short visit so much out there. We both have both talked of that so much. Uncle Henry must not have been too well at that time but you couldn't have guessed by being around him.

       It seems with our family now Vivian(Smith/Bueghly) and I don't write and I hardly have known about only one back there. I was surprised to hear Arnold (Smith) was married.Papa had left before I got word of Uncle Henry's death. We have no mail route or telephone service out there so communication is slow. We are twelve miles from our P.O. so only get our mail when we go to town or someone delivers it. I don't get to see or talk to Mamma very often.

       She is very poorly. She got bad soon after Papa left and hasn't improved much. Her heart is in such bad shape. I had just got over the flu and went up there to help. Then I got and set back and really had it the second time. Then Stan came down with it so George moved us to town. I called Lucille this morn. to see how Mamma was and she thought they would have to bring her back to the hospital. They put her under oxygen and relieves her so much. She hates awful to go there but is the only thing.

       Well Aunt Minnie you have our utmost sympathy and knowing your family as I do know they will be so much comfort and blessing to you in the years to come. 

                                                               Love from Elsie & Family  


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