Saturday, January 13, 2018


         Written April 18, 1955, grade 5, Laurel Consolidated School, Laurel,Iowa. age 11.

                                     A BASEBALL GAME I CAN'T FORGET

         Two weeks ago the fifth graders played the fourth graders in a championship game. The fourth graders got up first. They didn't do too well that inning. We knocked them off one, two, three. When we got up Harold Wright was pitching. Gary Campbell hit two home runs, Jim(Latham) hit one and I hit one. The score then was seven to nothing.

        When they got up they started hitting well. I was playing left field at the time. Tom Campbell hit a high fly right to me. Then Harold hit one about 10 feet from me. I tried to reach for it but couldn't. I heard something go R-r-r-r-r-ip. I found out it was my shirt. He hit a home run with a man on first and third. We finally beat them 23-20. That was a close game.

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