Saturday, January 27, 2018


          Last night my sister, Doris, treated me to my birthday dinner at That Place near Conrad, Iowa. Their Prime Rib is possibly my favorite entree anywhere! All I wanted for my drink was water like most older people. During the course of the meal, the "water" gal kept coming by the table and re-filling my glass. Once, I couldn't get my hand over the glass instead of saying no thank you. And, I was getting a little chilly by drinking all that ice water and I could also hear my stomach sloshing.

      The whole episode did bring back a warm memory, of course. It was back in the late 1970's and I was with my children, Darrin and La Risa and a class-mate/ friend(Miss Nulph)   We were in Breckenridge, Colorado during Spring Break for some down hill skiing in the Summit County area. 

         One evening we went out to eat and ate at a place called the Whale's Tail. A cute young lad was our "water boy" and most of the evening my daughter and friend kept drinking their water as fast as they could so they could call this cutie kid back to our table for re-fills! I think they were making a bee-line for the restroom frequently too!


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