Thursday, January 25, 2018


       Maybe I look at things through an old man's eyes, but, living a long time your vision of events can be much different than some. All this rhetoric about Russian meddling in our election and how it could destroy our Democracy, to me, is close to laughable.

         We used to call it "Spying" since at least the cold war days of the 1950's. Movies depicted Russian spies or our own "Secret Agent Men" lurking around a foggy Belgrade street-corner in a Fedora and turned up collar belted trench coat!

       And, it seems no one ever talks about meddling by other countries. Are the Russians the only ones? What about all the other Bad Boys--China, Iran, North Korea, and even a few of our so called friends. Just the method has changed. Now those spies are lurking in under ground bunkers filled with Foreign Nerds and computers galore.

        I'm pretty sure our DEMOCRACY will survive just like it has done for close to 250 years. We have been through worse. I do miss those shady looking characters leaning on a lamp post somewhere around DC or better yet Bond, James Bond! 

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