Wednesday, January 17, 2018


       I came across a letter that was witten to me by a young boy's mother who both were from Oslo, Norway on November 11, 1948. It was the result of correspondance between my older sister, Doris, and in turn her "Pen Pal" Ruth Opsahl. It is unclear how that connection was made in talking to my sister Doris.

Post mark-Oslo, **Kampen, 11.29,1948

Mr. Dennis Michael Laverty
Gilman, Iowa U.S.A.

                                                                                      Oslo  Nov. 11, 1948

Dear Dennis Michael

     *** I am just a little boy from Norway. My mother is writing this  My mother tells me that you live on a farm where you have all kinds of animals. Would like to live like that. I love all the animals cows, horses, pigs, chickens, and don't forget the dog and cat. 

        We live in a big city with 300,000 people but we just have one room and a kitchen. We don't have any room for a dog or cat. I'm sending you a picture of myself so that you can see that I am a big boy. We now have winter and I've alraedy been out on a sled. I would like to get moe snow and then they can go on skies. We can skate on ice with iceskates too. The weather has been nasty, foggy and rainy like. The smoke from the big boats hang over the town. Oslo is a sea town. 

                                           Lots of greetings and a Happy New Year from your Letter Pal

                                                     (Inside- in Norwegian) To Dennis Michael
                                         wishing you a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year
                                                  greetings 3 yrs old. Arve Olav Opsahl  

**Kampen is a neighborhood in Oslo, Norway. Mrs Opsahl also sent and wrote the letter in Norwegian.

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