Monday, January 15, 2018


       A friend gave this clipping to me yesterday that was written by an Amy Scribner of the SPOTLIGHT.  In her column she wrote about a book When: The Scientific Secrets of Perfect :Timing by Daniel H. Pink 

                                       WHEN TIMING IS EVERYTHING

       Pink reveals that timing really is everything. No matter where one lives , everyone experiences the same daily rhyme: a peak, a trough and a rebound. It may be at different times for different people (some people are night owls while others are morning people, while still another group is what Pink calls "third birds") The trick is to take advantage of the time when you're at your best to do your toughest work.

          And that time is rarely mid-afternoon. Pink noted a British survey that pinpoints the most unproductive moment of the day is 2:55p.m. Afternoon is when hospital workers are least likely to wash their hands., it's when Danish schoolchildren fare worse on exams and it's when prisoners are less likely to get parole. 

       Throughout the book , Pink breaks down the science of timing by offering what he calls the "Time Hacker's Handbook." These are simple tips to maximize your time, such as how to take the perfect nap. This marriage of research, stories and practical application is vintage Pink, helping us use science to improve our everyday lives. 

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