Saturday, January 6, 2018


         Growing up in the Marshalltown, Iowa area and moving to Des Moines initially in my college days at Drake University,(1964-67) I drove the once notorious two lane diagonal #330 quite a bit with my wife, Sandi, and baby daughter, La Risa to visit family back in the Marshalltown area. There was one summer in the mid to late 1960's that I witnessed THREE accidents in just one 3 month summer period.

         On one occasion, we were headed back southwest from Marshalltown on #330 to Des Moines when we came upon an just happened accident. Even the dust was still blowing around. Evidently, a guy, also heading southwest, must have fell asleep and just went off the left hand shoulder and rolled for quite some distance. 

          He was not seriously hurt and I do remember that there were "gun" shells laying all around. He must have been some kind of salesman. Someone just ahead of us went up to a nearby house to call the authorities--no cell phones in those days.

---------------------to be continued with two more!  


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