Sunday, January 14, 2018

MY TRIP TO HAWAII--continued


        I didn't believe them so I got ready togo down. Just in case I took a shock gun. I went down for about 15 minutes. I saw the old ship. I could see something else. When I got up close I saw a huge fish. It had one great big eye in the middle of his face. He started toward me. I let him have it with my shock gun. That didn't do anything. I gave him a couple more. He was about done for, but, he didn't give up. I was out of spears so I stabed him with my knife about 10 times. He was finally dead.

      I went down to the ship. I saw some chests. I went up and told them that I had killed the huge fish. So they came down. I got the treasure and got it for money. I had about $15,000. I bought a new car and T.V.. I spent some more for a new lab. I had about $12,000 left. Then I put the rest in the bank. The rocks I got from Hawaii weren't anything, but, I didn't care. 

       I always wrote to the people of Hawaii, especially the people who helped me bring up the treasure. I never forgot them. After that I've always loved Hawaii, its people, and its sunken ships and treasure.

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