Monday, January 29, 2018


        The night before last, I was awaken during my "mid-evening nap" by a commercial concerning a bent finger condition and  some type of remedy that I didn't catch. I decided  to "Google" it up as it sounded like a condition that I have had for over a year.

         My middle and ring finger on my left hand are bent over each morning when I awake. My remedy has been to simply run warm water over the two fingers and gently bend them back. I just thought it was a simple case of Arthritus. 

         Then, last night I did pull up "bent finger"  and found that there is an actual condition called "Dupuytren's Contracture." It does involve the ring finger or other adjoining fingers and is primarily found in older men, northern European heritage, and could be connected to Diabetics, smoking and alcohol, etc.

       One should never make light of any medical issue life threatening or not, but, it is somewhat comforting to have a very rare medical condition and the age of 74 that only requires a applying a little warm water once a day--at least for now!  

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