Monday, January 15, 2018


       The following was written May 9, 1955 in 5th grade, Lauel Consolidated School, Laurel, Iowa, age 11.

                                                RUN, RUN, RUN!!!

            My name's Shut Eye. I'm sleppy. My pal's name's Snory. He snores too much. It's nine P.M. Everything's quiet. My pal and I are walking through town. We see a character. He's coming this way. We duck in Pop's Beer Stand. Here he comes. We duck out the back. We headed up the alley.

     " He's still coming. I think he is after us. Yah! Let's beat it. No, stay here. Get your gun ready. Look mean and start out walking. He's still following us. Shut up! Don't walk fast. I wonder what he wants? Stop a minute. Oh-o-o-o-o-o-o! It's only Private Eye Henderson. He just came to tell us boys that Sandy Mack's on the lose."

           "Yah, sure!"

***** ( Not sure about proper usage of qutation marks. Teacher didn't correct or comment.) Still received A-.

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