Sunday, December 31, 2017
If you haven't seen this movie put it on your list of ones to see in the next week while it is still around. It's "Darkest Hour" and all about Winston Churchill and the time during WWll, leading up to the evacuation of Dunkirk. Gary Oldman plays Churchill and is Churchill. Could be an Academy Award winner!
Watching one of my favorite "Soap Opera" cable stations yesterday, I had to hear for the umteenth time how old white men that are the Republican base are fading away like the wind.
That, of course, gets the Democrats all excited. With ALL the minorities, women, gays, immigrants, suburbanites, and "the really smart people," the Republicans might as well disband and move to Iceland.
Before you get so excited you need to buy "Depends," always be ready for things to change. Who would ever thought that "Blue Collar" guys would have voted along with rich old Republicans. And, as us old white men disappear from the planet there are those to replace us and they won't all be "White." Some of the minorities will become more traditional and conservative and will feel threatened by the young Liberals.
Round and round she goes. you never want to take things for granted. Change is always right around the corner. Don't count a woman around the corner who has either a Conservative streak or god forbid, she may be a Dynamic Centrist! "Not too hot, not too cold, but, just right!"
Yesterday evening while visiting with my sister, Deborah, she mentioned that they just closed on selling her mother-in-laws home and the new buyers were ready to move in and all was well. I'm sure that put things in motion for my dream last night.
In my dream, I was in the mortgage company or bank office for my closing. The problem was in the dream I thought I was the buyer and was extremely worried that I didn't have enough for the down payment.
Then as it turned out, I was actually the seller, but, what I still didn't know was how much I would be receiving in proceeds. A lot of the details of the transaction I have forgotten or was actually very garbled. I'll never know how much I received or WHAT I was actually selling!
Hopefully today, 12/31/2017, this last day of the year will at least go out with "A Bright Sun Shinny Day!" Even though the day's temperature is predicted to hover around zero, it is comforting to know that with two main windows in my house face south.
At least, from about mid-morning till 3PM or so the sun will pour in and my furnace will hardly run at all with the thermostat set at 66-68 degrees. The main objective is comfort, of course, but, to also have to fork over to Alliant Energy as little as possible this time of year. Come on sunshine!
Saturday, December 30, 2017
I've been keeping track of my dreams of late for no other reason--that I can! After a little cat nap after the Clone-Memphis football game, I came to realize that I don't believe I have ever had a dream after a short nap! What's the deal? No deep sleep or what?
I get a kick out of listening to the Dems/Libs go on and on about President Trump's achievements only being TWO-- Supreme Court Appointment and the Tax Reform bill! The achievements need to be handicapped.
In the big scheme of things these just two achievements are pretty significant if not huge!
Just because ten or more pieces of legislation haven't passed this first year so what. One vote would have done it for Obama Care.
I'm not even going to get into the Federal Court appointments and cutting regulations. But, just the supreme court appointment has to be given added weight and more than just a "One." Oh well! That's just my opinion and I'm sticking to it! "PBBBBTH!"
My warm up dream to the "Fishing" dream was one that involved painting the interior of my ex-mother-in-law. Again, keep in mind I haven't thought about this woman for decades. She lived in a small ranch style home in Marshalltown, Iowa.
Of course in my dream the home I was going to paint was beyond huge. Way at the top and 20 feet or so and close to the ceiling were lots of pipes of some kind and very time consuming to paint. Matter of fact, there was a wide and very busy river with boat traffic that split the house in two!
I knew the job was too big to ever complete and I wasn't too concerned about completing it. The only part of the dream that made some sense was that I do like to paint and find it therapeutic. In the dream there were other workers doing dry walling, etc. Really strange!
Of course in my dream the home I was going to paint was beyond huge. Way at the top and 20 feet or so and close to the ceiling were lots of pipes of some kind and very time consuming to paint. Matter of fact, there was a wide and very busy river with boat traffic that split the house in two!
I knew the job was too big to ever complete and I wasn't too concerned about completing it. The only part of the dream that made some sense was that I do like to paint and find it therapeutic. In the dream there were other workers doing dry walling, etc. Really strange!
It started out as a dream about myself and two other guys were going fishing.( footnote-I don't fish and haven't fished in 25 years.) We started out walking down a neighborhood in front of houses then behind. Finally, we rang a door bell on a house and asked a lady if we could walk through and fish in the stream that ran along the back of the neighborhood.
Once inside the house, we made ourselves at home and my youngest grandson started playing CD's and watching movies. Before long, a group of teenage girls came and evidently they were having a Birthday party for one of them which thrilled my grandson. We never did fish!
Friday, December 29, 2017
At the Kiwanis Noon Luncheon yesterday, the program revolved around a fun question and response on various subjects. One was "What was your most memorable family vacation?"
It only took me a second to think of the times I took my kids when they were younger and skiing in Colorado. It was during the late 1970's and early 80's and at a time when snow downhill skiing was at a peak time in popularity.
Why it was so special was that it was something we did together from morning till night and for a short week. There were no interruptions with cell phones and one of the first times there was---no TV in the Condo. It was a time of constant shared laughter, sharing, achievement, tragedy, and many long lasting stories. Even the journeys to and from provided memories in themselves.
My children still maintain that it terms of times or vacations spent as a family those were the best. Of all the things that I have done in my lifetime, right or wrong, this time with my children tops all for treasured family memories!
Everyone understands that a program like "Meals on Wheels" is a good deal for those that can't afford and/or because they can't get out. It also, I suppose, could be partially because they are not good cooks or are not preparing balanced and nutritious meals.
I hope someone around me can see a "sign" when the day comes that I'm not cooking or eating well. One thing I have enjoyed is eating, in or out, and later in life, cooking and looking forward to the next meal as a reward or pleasure, not just something you have to do because you're hungry.
When the day comes that someone else is making the decision about my eating routine and what I will be having next is the day I hope someone drives me directly to Graceland Cemetery west of Laurel, Iowa and throw me in the spot that is reserved for me!
Thursday, December 28, 2017
Every year about this time, I start thinking about id this this the year I have to renew my Driver's License. It's one of those things in life that we all worry about that we will forget in fear of having to take that test or actually the driving part over again.
Right up there with changing your clocks up or back and changing your smoke de-tectors, should be a reminder about you D. R. Since my birthday is at the end of January right now is when I start my reminder. I have a note right here in front of me to go my County Seat in Marengo and get it done! I may just call on the 2nd of January to make sure nothing has changed. No procrastinating this year--No Sir!
I don't know how many of you remember what is called "Trash T.V."---Jerry Springer, Maury Povich, Morton Downey Jr., or Phil Donahue! I really never cared for all the phony and staged yelling, screaming, & arguing right on stage. At the same time the audience was reacting to all the on-stage theatrics by reacting with yelling and screaming!
It finally dawned on me that Trash TV of old is exactly what is happening on the Cable News shows of late. And, when we have a "colorful" guy like Trump to romp and stomp it makes for successful TV viewing by some and above all--money making sky high ratings for these Networkks like MSNBC CNN.
Without getting to the make up of the audiences of Trash TV, there was a certain segment of the population that thrived on this stuff. Not me! However, when it comes to all of this political malarkey of today, thanks to a large part to "Donald Trump," I have become a fan just like the old Trash TV bunch.
I love getting up in the early AM, tuned to CNN, and know they have some patsy on with Conservative leanings and they are in the early stages of bashing him or her to death. I get my cup of coffee and take my seat. I start yelling at the TV--"Get him!" with a few choice phrases thrown in like "You are an idiot' --and much much more even with hand gestures! This stuff is better than watching a heavy weight boxing match.
It is especially thrilling when your Political Hero gets the best of the know it all commentator and your cheering! And, you know your contender has won when the Know-It-All says it's time for a "Quick Break!" Yaaaa!
Well another one had to come along. A strange dream that is. This one had me taking my four young kids(or so) around in the morning to different child providers. I dropped one child off and was met at the door by a guy with no facial expression or verbal greeting of any kind.
The same thing happened when I dropped off the remaining kids at the next two or three providers. No verbal exchanges, no facial expressions, just clear cut and done! I will admit I do have a day care home next door to me and see it and go by it every day. I just don't get the connection between that and me dropping small kids that I assume were mine to more than one location?
Wednesday, December 27, 2017
Last night I had two dreams which I realize we do lots of times, but, some just vaporize. My first was something that was on my mind for the last day or so. I was obsessing about cleaning off my counter tops in my kitchen to perfection and getting ready for the big Iowa Hawkeye Pinstipe Bowl. I'm not sure who I was trying to impress as I had no company coming. My counter tops now do look spiffy I must admit!!
My second dream was so simple and short it is hardly worth mentioning. My cousin, Dianne, was here and she was somehow showing me the fat in our upper arms and explaining what we needed to do ???? to keep this ugly fat off. What makes this so funny is I don't think of myself as having FAT upper arms--neither does Dianne. My stomach, though, is another whole story!
In the Political arena, it seems like lately all you are hearing about is about the "Dossier." I don't plan on getting into why it is so important to everyone right now, but, just wanted to pass along an observation.
Years ago, on the Jerry Seinfeld show, they did a bit about SALSA! And, the fact that what made salsa cool was just because people liked saying "Sals-ah!" I do like saying Doss-E-A!
Tuesday, December 26, 2017
I finally saw would I might say is the best movie I have seen at least during 2017. I was in doubt about the whole premise of the "Greatest Show on Earth"--Circus and in the form of a Musical.
It worked perfectly for me being a big fan of fun musicals and mixing it with one of my favorite childhood and adult "HAPPY" memories! The movie "The Greatest Showman" about its founder, P.T. Barnum, is an absolute winner. As Barnum, Hugh Jackman absolutely without a doubt is Barnum.
I shouldn't admit it when a movie can make me laugh, smile, get choked up, and bring a tear. It was total delight in a movie. It's very rare after leaving a movie that I say---"I could turn right around and see that again!" The last time that happened was when I first saw Mama Mia at the Civic Center in Des Moines, Iowa. I f you want to feel really good go see it now!
When I was a younger man, my favorite steak, bar-none, was the classic T-Bone. Not the Prime Rib, Top Sirloin, Rib Eye, Beef Tenderloin could compare--well that might be a stretch. But, it was the treat when I was even a kid and on occasion the T-Bone was pulled out of our freezer from our back-porch.
Christmas Day and as I was alone I decided to have a meal just to my liking. A huge T-Bone, a baked potato topped with cheddar cheese, butter, and of course, a little sour cream. And, my favorite tossed salad combo---Ice-Burg, crumbled Maytag's Blue Cheese, Kalamata pitted Greek olives, sweet banana pepper rings, and some of my favorite dressings-Italian & Dorothy Lynch.
I know. With some of the above combo, you probably can guess why I am spending Christmas alone. I digress, I actually pan fried my steak in my cast-iron skillet in butter and turned it constantly after searing. I even picked out what I thought was a super cut at the Fareway in Grinnell, Iowa. It was good, but, not like my memories of having that "Delicacy" from times gone by! I must end this story like I do many times. Is this a GREAT Country or what!
Most of my dream last night took place in this small dingy building with straight bench seating and a small stage at one end. At the far end and the exit was a wide swinging double doors. I must have been part of a volunteer group for the premises as I was in charge of cleaning out the trash can in the restrooms? I simply did it with an old grocery paper sack.
But, the brunt of the dream had to do with the goings-on in the main room. The group, Hairball, was up on stage performing when someone in the crowd left and opened the swinging doors widely. The band yelled out that it was COLD up on stage and to keep the door closed.
One thing led to another and there was more of the crowd leaving, then more of the Band yelling, and then more of the crowd booing the Band! Of course in a dream that's about where it ends. And, it did! The only thing I know is that I do remember someone, lately, asking me if I had ever seen this group! I had and end of dream.
Monday, December 25, 2017
"If you owe the bank $100 that's your problem. If you owe the bank $100 million that's the bank's problem."
For my Christmas Day entertainment, I drove to the Multi-Plex in Coralville, Iowa and took in the movie--"All The Money" about J.Paul Getty and the kidnapping of his grandson back in the early 1970's.
Generally, when I take in a week-end morning movie there are very few patrons in the theater One movie earlier this Fall there was no one in the theater. Today the movie time was noon and being Christmas Day, 12/25/2017, the place was filled except for a few seats in the very front rows. I did manage to go up a ways and found a single seat on the end.
Once my eyes were adjusted, I realized that most everybody there had either a head of white hair or were bald!At least it's nice to know that lots of "oldies" like myself are getting out and seeing a movie. Especially, a "Period" movie and subject that is of interest and can be remembered by a "Classic Crowd!"
One last observation of irritation and at the same time humor was this heavy perfume smell from some lady nearby. It was really over-whelming and reminded me of many years ago when women wore it and many times over did it to say the least! I took a whiff of my jacket sleeve once in a while for a breather!
The dream I had last night was one that seems familiar to ones past. Someone ?? and myself are being chased by an unknown group for I don't know why. We are in a town that I couldn't tell you was Des Moines or Laurel, Iowa. Of course, it was night and very dark.
We just kept running, hiding, and dodging gunfire. As most dreams end, there was no end! All it did was make me wonder after awakening---What was that all about? Maybe the key in a dream like that is to never get caught or shot!!
Sunday, December 24, 2017
I never thought in my lifetime we could or would be watching so much day in day out so much negative reporting of the political scene. These two stations constantly are blasting the Trump Administration with extremely biased and slanted opinions and daily laughable nonsense.
It's too bad that the recent Tax Bill didn't cut taxes in half for everyone making $200,000 a year and raised taxes two times on everyone making over One Million, I would guarantee you that would have been twisted in a negative way.
Everyone will agree that we need the media, but, what is disappearing quickly in this country is a news source that is fair to both sides of the isle. I'm not seeing it and it is sad!
Last night, 12/24/2017, I had a dream that was just on the odd side. I was in Des Moines, somewhere, at or around a new home construction site. As I was walking from the parking area, there was a line of ladies holding signs that requested different jobs or services like concrete work, electrical help, and so on.
My cousin, Linda, was there with a sign about building a "Deck." I went over to her and asked what she was wanting. Her reply was a deck for her family's old homestead south of Laurel.
I told her that even if she found someone that driving from here to Laurel was somewhat questionable!
Why this dream would pop up right now is hard to fathom. My only contact with Linda was a simple response on Facebook and I do drive by home on occasion driving up to Laurel, but the DECK?
After I woke up and laid in bed for a bit, I did think outside the box about maybe she could have the deck pre-made in Des Moines and simply hauled to Laurel or in sections that could be stored away in the winter. Maybe I'm on to a line of new building product like those little mobile buildings you see around for sale. I hope that some day I will have a dream that I can make into a movie or a book! Ha!
Saturday, December 23, 2017
Last night I had one of those dreams that took place close to where I grew up! I was driving north up highway 14, about 3-4 miles south of Laurel. A young guy approached me heading south and going extremely fast.
He disappeared over the hill that is close to the 4 mile corner that one way you head west to Newton and turning left you head to the big town of Newburg. I heard this big crash and lots of dust and I just knew that he lost control and probably hit someone.
My first reaction was not to drive to the scene of the accident, but, just sit where I was and call 911! Then I woke up and I will never know the outcome. Strange!
Friday, December 22, 2017
Last night I had another one of those dreams that you wonder where it comes from. All I will say it had to do with my unknown significant purchasing for Christmas this Big White bird with feathers on top of its head flowing back.
I don't know my bird types real well, but, it was much bigger than a large parrot. In the dream I was very concerned as I was in the process of doing some deep cleaning around the house. I knew this Big Bird would shed feathers all over and would be a constant cleaning nightmare!
Maybe sub-consciously, I am always cleaning and because I am somewhat a Clean-nik, one of my big fears is that something will come along to MESS me up! Why not a Big Bird?
Yesterday, Thursday-12/21/2017, I drove to Marshalltown, Iowa to conduct a little business along with the main goal of having lunch at my favorite all-time eatery---Marshalltown's one and only Famous Taylor's Maid-Rite!
I encouraged a friend, Tom H., from here in Williamsburg to drive up with me as he had never had a Maid-Rite from Taylor's. I gave him the heads-up as far as the ritual in ordering, the whole thing about ketchup and why it is offered separately on the counter.
I also convinced him to try a "Malt" as they too are some of the best this side of the Mississippi River. Right out of the shoot Tom ordered a Strawberry Malt and the with some surprise a Maid-Rite with 'Just Pickles." That is not as strange as my sister, Doris, ordering one with just "extra onions!"
Tom then grabbed the bottle of ketchup and poured it on. I actually kept my mouth shut! Then, after a little hesitation, Tom ordered another and wasted no time finishing it off. He is a man of few words, unlike his companion, and when finished just got up to leave with a very big smile! Oh, by the way, for a Thursday at 12:30 PM, the place was packed. What would you expect!
Wednesday, December 20, 2017
If this Russia/Election investigation does go South and does not get the results that the blood thirsty Main Streamers and Dems wish for fizzles, all I hope is I have lots of popcorn on hand, ice-cream and dancing girls. It will possibly be as entertaining as Election Eve of 2016.
Everybody that watches TV, especially the channels that show really old shows like Gunsmoke and Bonanza, has seen this commercial. It shows this Senior lady laying on the floor after and yelling that she has fallen and can't get up!
Last night that was my dream. Only I was the one laying on the floor after falling. A first responders or someone showed up and I told her that I was OK and didn't think I had injured anything. This was just a plain old logical dream. Seeing the commercial several times a week and a real concern as a Senior about falling no wonder I had the dream!
Tuesday, December 19, 2017
I've been documenting my dreams lately just because a few at the beginning were really bizarre. What is really strange is that this morning I woke up and remembered a dream that I had. By this afternoon, it had gone POOF! I couldn't remember anything if my life had depended on it! It makes me wonder what kind of dreams that I have had that I don't remember from the second I wake up! I wonder what is going on up there!
If the Democrats really believe that the Tax Plan will only benefit the rich, then they must be laughing their b--ts off when together with their wealthy pals at this week-end cocktail party in the Hampton's or in Beverly Hills! Let's be honest the RICH knows no Political Party.
Monday, December 18, 2017
Back in the late 1970's and 1980's while selling real estate, one thing you knew or learned real quick that most everyone and anyone was a potential buyer or seller. Once you get in that mode, it becomes second nature and it seems like that you are continuously selling.
Trump is always being criticized about when giving a speech that he talks and speaks like he is still "Stumping or Campaigning!" All I can say is what is wrong with that. While out there among his supporters, why not pat yourself on the back. Whether someone watching on TV or at a rally, to Trump there could be a potential buyer of his agenda! I don't see him NOT selling anytime soon.
With the Christmas season upon us, Barbara McMahon Stineman Gaard recently sent me a story pertaining to days past at Laurel, Iowa and the United Methodist Church that she and her family attended. . I would like to take this opportunity to share Barb's warm Christmas time memory.
One evening at the Church's program when Barbara was just a young girl, she remembered Santa passing out a bag of oranges, apples and other treats to all the children in attendance. She remembered that Santa's watch looked a lot like Emory Wunn's watch, who was also the town's "Policeman" at the time! A great story!
After the so-called historic win in the special election in Alabama this past week, I couldn't help, but, chuckle a bit. This solid "Red" state just elected a Democrat for the first time in 20 plus years. Rippy skip! Alabama and most of the South was "Blue" for over 100 years until the `1960's. If Roy Moore would't have had all the sexual allegations against him, it probably would have been an easy win for Moore.
Maybe we are watching the pendulum swing back again. I never thought that in my lifetime "Blue Collar Workers" would be fairly solid with the Republicans. And, wouldn't it be funny if some of these groups (suburbanites, women, minorities, Gays, etc would do some flip-flopping for whatever reasons by the next major election! That's what makes this all so fascinating. Is this a great country or what!
With all the discussion about our Congressman rushing legislation through too quickly and then not allowing enough time for the opposition to read it, etc. it reminded me of what a CPA and friend said years ago.
It was his theory that when it came to holdings meetings in business, they should be held to just 15 minutes. He would state that when it is scheduled for an hour, a lot of time gets wasted. Initially, there is too much chit-chat about families and current events.
If a meeting is held for just 15 minutes, you get down to business and decisions get made quickly. I know he was on to something, but, I;m not sure many companies adhere to that meeting protocol!
For years, there always seems to be that auto dealership TV commercial with the following theme. It is always that small dealership outside some larger metro area. Their commercial always says something like---"We are not trying to be the biggest, but, just the best!"
I'm not sure how many times I have seen this one in my lifetime. Then, once you become the biggest,and I'm not sure any of those little guys became the biggest, then, I guess. you can offer more cars than anybody else even if you're not all that good now! The big question is are they really telling the truth and happy about being just small?
Friday, December 15, 2017
Years ago during the 1980's, my breakfast club, The Enterprise Breakfast Club, spent a week-end in Omaha, Nebraska to attend the horse races at AK-SAR-BEN race track. On Sunday morning before returning to Des Moines, we had Brunch at Bennigan's restaurant.
One thing that impressed me at the time was the Chamber Musical Group that played while we were eating. It was soothing to listen to while eating plus, the biggest thing was that the soft music drowned out the clatter of all that the waiters, bus-boys, and waitresses were doing. I need to find a restaurant that has that type of music that early! It was so enjoyable!
*** A foot-note. In case you didn't know--Ak-Sar-Ben was Nebraska spelled backwards and the track is no more.
Two nights ago, I had a dream that was scary in a funny way. In the dream, I was standing in front of my bathroom mirror and could see`a dramatic loss of my hair. At one point I almost looked like the character "Gollum" in the movie Lord of the Rings.
Now, where this dream makes good sense or logic is that, just like most men, stand at that mirror day after day and witness slowly but surely gradual hair loss. I guess I should be happy that at the age of 73 I have as much as I do.
And, since I am a big fan of the TV sitcom, Big Bang Theory, there is an episode where Sheldon stands in front of his bathroom mirror and is looking at "GOLLUM." So, I guess it proves once again how some dreams work! It's those really weird dreams, I'm not sure if they will ever figure out!
Thursday, December 14, 2017
Last night 12/14/2017, I was back to dreaming after a night or two absence. This one was probably typical in that it had to do with fear of falling. Most of what I can remember had to do with riding with someone up this huge hill or mountain that really didn't have a road or a very clear path.
Most of the topography was mostly chip rock or loose dirt and it seemed we were constantly siding downward. When reaching the top of a ridge or peak, we were always fearful as to what lay over the top. And, with the steep downward slope, it was scary that we would lose control and roll out of control! Good news--I awoke to live another day!
Years ago, there was a column that was written by Ann Landers. There was this lady that had written in complaining about her mother constantly telling the same story over and over again.
Ann Landers reply was that the daughter should be happy that she still has her mother around to tell THOSE stories even if they are repeated! My mother used to repeat some stories over and over if something said or something happened to trigger that story.
And, you knew, usually, when it was coming. I would give anything if she was still around to tell them as many times as she wanted!
Wednesday, December 13, 2017
You always hear that it can't happen in a small town.Yes it can and it did! This past Saturday night a man was stabbed numerous times right here in Williamsburg. The "EX," evidently, became angry about the new boyfriend and broke into a house and the stabbing ensued. All this was reported in the Press-Citizen of Iowa City, Iowa.
Just before Christmas last year about this time, I was helping a young couple out with their groceries. All I had been hearing from everyone was where they were going for Christmas or what family members were coming home.
After getting a little tired of this constant Christmas Goo, I decided I would have some fun. I did my best of doing a bit from comedian Jon Levitz on Saturday Night Live many many years ago. It was when he played the Pathological Liar.
I mentioned that I was flying out of Cedar Rapids this week-end and flying to Florida and spending a night with Trump at his Mar-a-Lago resort! I didn't inject Lovitz' --"Ya That's The Ticket!" I have learned when pulling someone's leg to keep a straight face and say nothing until the other guys speaks. His wife finally said--"Honey, I think he is yanking your chain!" I had him for just a split second!
Until today while watching a commentator on FOX Business, had I ever heard the expression or quote "From My Lips To Gods Ears." It came after a group was talking about the upcoming Tax Cut/Reform Legislation. I'm sure my minister quoted it one Sunday morning and I was just snoozing!
Another problem with getting older is you remember things that those a lot younger haven't grasped or thought about. Case in point is the latest special election in Alabama. The media was getting all excited because a Democrat edged out the Republican nominee in a "RED" state that hadn't had a Democrat in 2 decades or so.
It doesn't matter, but, Democrats had controlled the entire South at one time for over 100 years or more. It was not until Lyndon Johnson passed a lot of the legislation pertaining to Civil Rights that the South started to shift away from Democratic to Republican.
Everything changes. Just like the Democrats were always strong with blue collar workers. Not so much today since Reagan and Trump. Who knows maybe some day soon, we will see big hunks of highly educated suburbanites switch to the Republican party. One should never take certain groups for granite in politics. That applies to lots of things. Nothing ever stays the same!
This time I'm going to point my finger toward the Democrats. Stay with me. We all know that one thing that makes this such a great country is knowing that when an immigrant comes to this country penniless, he can do well and make his fortune and, of course, in many instances WEALTHY!
However, once he becomes wealthy, he or she becomes evil. At least in my lifetime, the Democrats have waged a political war of the rich vs. the poor. At the same time many of the Democrats are either themselves rich or are "sleeping" with them. Class warfare!
I'm not out to solve the whole issue, but, just to point out that the way we go at it should be changed. It is true that the rich are getting richer and I really don't believe the less rich are keeping up. I just wish someday that a group of bi-partisan wise men will solve some of this problem without dividing us even further.
Years ago, I watched this movie where some old judge made a statement that went something like--"The truth lies in the middle." Along those lines is "Where there is smoke there is fire." And, on and on!
With all the political battling going on this past year and both political parties getting more "extreme, " I felt compelled to jump in an do a little "opinionating" of my own. Most of mine will be satire aimed at both sides of the political spectrum.
Some of my criticism and satire will be aimed at "Mainstream Media" and how covering so called news has changed since the days of Edward R. Morrow or Walter Cronkite. Hopefully, we you read my "fluff" you will tend to chuckle than get angry. If you can't then maybe you have a good sense of humor! Stay tuned!
The following is simply a list of goals or objectives for the upcoming year--2018.
1. A Spring trip along the "Loneliest Road in America."
2. First trip to North Dakota with sister Doris.
3. To see group The Eagles live.
4. Visit Big Bend National Park-- SW Texas
5. Banff National Park Canada
6. Tall Ships Festival, Duluth, Minnesota
7. Rocky Mountain Park (again) Colorado
8. Memphis, Tennessee and Beale Street
9. Iowa State Fair(again)
10. Parts of Sand Hills Nebraska not seen
11. Expand window cleaning business into Iowa City, and Grinnell, Iowa areas.
12. Take up again buy/sell Antiquing/ Collectibles.
1. Attended musical Mama Mia in Iowa City-- February
2. Vacation in Blue Ridge and Smokey Mountains w/ sister Doris--March
3. 20 lb. weight loss over course of 3 months.--April
4. Three day trip to Estes Park area in Colorado---May
5. Senator Joni Ernest Ride and Roast w/ Vice President Pence in
Boone, Iowa--June
6. NASCR Brickyard 400 @ Indianapolis 500 track--July
7. Regional Drag Race & 1st time attended Cordova, Illinois--August
8. Sauerkraut & Demolition Derby, Blairstown, Iowa--August-- (shouldn't admit)
9. Amish Stringtown Vegetable Auction & Iowa State Fair--August
10. Scenic week trip Colorado- turning of Aspens-September
11. In state trip to Decorah, Iowa--Restaurant--Bluff Lake Catfish Farm"most different"
12. Attended Boys State Football 2-A finals in Cedar Fall, Iowa. November
13.. Completed over 2500 personal & family related stories w/ Blog-- December
14. Attended several Iowa Hawkeye Football games.
15. Other--Pleasurable dining ie: Tasty Taco, That Place, Taylor's Maid-Rite, Ox Yoke Inn
all year long.
We all have stories about too many cereals and so on. Along that line, I've always purchased "traditional" spaghetti sauce so I can add all my own favorites--sweet Italian sausage, mushrooms, green peppers, and onion.
One day while at the Hy-Vee in Marshalltown, Iowa, I was looking for my jar of Ragu traditional sauce and it wasn't there. Oh sure, there was Chunky, Garden, Mushroom, and Green peppers, Three cheese, Basil. NO traditional!
I finally parked my cart down the aisle a ways so as not to block anyone and then got down on my knees and started at the bottom shelf one row and one jar, including all store brands, yuk! Finally! There it was. Way at the back just one jar. Hallelujah!
And, while we are on Italian food. How about a quick story on Ricotta cheese for making Lasagna(I prefer cottage cheese) At the same Hy-Vee in Marshalltown, they have stocked low fat ricotta, fat free ricotta, part skim, and of course, whole milk ricotta. All in at least two brands each. Is this a great country or what!
Tuesday, December 12, 2017
A follow up to my Top 10 about Falling, I was a very young 67 years when I was reminded about my body while on a Roller Coaster. At the time my significant and I jumped on the "Tornado," an old fashion large wooden monster while attending Adventureland in Altoona, Iowa with grandchildren.
Up we went on that first long steep trip up before that long steep drop down. Oh, how I love that second of hesitation before she drops! And, of course, I have my hands up-not holding on. I'm not a chicken! Are you kidding? But, as a precaution, I always keep my feet braced under the seat ahead of me just in case. I'm not totally stupid.
I'm not sure what I did, but, my left ankle must have twisted a bit and it took at least six weeks before that "Sucker" healed. That was six years ago and if the situation came up again, I'm not all sure whether I wouldn't do it all over again for one more cheap thrill!
It should be noted there are 14 schools with the direction WEST in it, six with South, eleven North, and five EAST. I guess the old adage "Go West Young Man" had an impression.
Maybe we should have real estate developers in charge of naming schools. Years ago, I went through an exclusive development near Sioux City called Dakota Dunes. Streets were named: Sawgrass Trail, West Flurie Drive, Spy Glass Circle, Quail Hollow, and Sioux Point Road.
Of course, developers and home builders want to draw you in with the likes of Whispering Oaks. A pair of school districts did give it a shot--Morning Sun in Louisa County and Prairie Valley School District.
Let's also not forget about the schools in the larger areas like Des Moines-- Roosevelt, Lincoln, Washington(Cedar Rapids), and Hoover. Very patriotic and simple. I'm not even going to get into Turkey Valley School District. Opposing fans at a sporting event have to have fun with it!
Back to the beginning! Maybe I-35 wasn't a bad idea! It would look pretty good on the bill of a baseball cap!
It should be noted there are 14 schools with the direction WEST in it, six with South, eleven North, and five EAST. I guess the old adage "Go West Young Man" had an impression.
Maybe we should have real estate developers in charge of naming schools. Years ago, I went through an exclusive development near Sioux City called Dakota Dunes. Streets were named: Sawgrass Trail, West Flurie Drive, Spy Glass Circle, Quail Hollow, and Sioux Point Road.
Of course, developers and home builders want to draw you in with the likes of Whispering Oaks. A pair of school districts did give it a shot--Morning Sun in Louisa County and Prairie Valley School District.
Let's also not forget about the schools in the larger areas like Des Moines-- Roosevelt, Lincoln, Washington(Cedar Rapids), and Hoover. Very patriotic and simple. I'm not even going to get into Turkey Valley School District. Opposing fans at a sporting event have to have fun with it!
Back to the beginning! Maybe I-35 wasn't a bad idea! It would look pretty good on the bill of a baseball cap!
Years ago, I first noticed a school district in south central Iowa called "Interstate 1-35." My first thought was how could anyone name a school after a strip of concrete! What pride would we take with us into adulthood having fond memories of "Old I-35."
I grew up around the small town of Laurel, Iowa and that was what it was called. Laurel Consolidated School as it was formed in the early 20th Century after consolidating smaller country schools. Then in the early 1960's it was no more and was consolidated with the town east, Gilman, and became SEMCO(Southeast Marshall County) Then a few years later it consolidated once again with--Le Grand, Ferguson, etc and became East Marshall.
Some schools remain as their names imply. Marshalltown, Newton, Williamsburg, etc.Some today are combined just with two--Adair/Casey and Aplington/Parkersburg. Another category is quite lengthy: Rudd-Rockford-Marbe-RK Community School District and Sheffield-Chapin-Messervey-Thornton Community School District. Those poor cheerleaders!
Even if the above schools went by initials, I'm not sure that would have helped. Thefollowing schools do go by letters. BCLUW, AGWSR, AR-WE-VA and H-L-V Community School District.
Give me an A, give me a G, a W, then an S and an R. What's it spell---"AGWSR!" Give me a break! Again poor cheerleaders! Hopefully their mascot is simple like a TIGER or--!
-----------------to be continued.
Last Saturday evening a friend and I had dinner at the Ox Yoke Inn. I wanted to go back as I decided to have Catfish fish instead of Walleye. As I had said, it was a big mistake. At least I found out that I have never missed out by not ever eating Catfish in all of my 73 years.
In terms of presentation, the Walleye at Ox Yoke was as pretty as a picture. And, just a large piece of fish. But, when it comes to taste, I still contend the Walleye and its breading/batter at That Place near Conrad is still tops! All I can say ---"Is this a great country or what?"
This morning I got up early and headed to Golden Delight Bakery just north of Kalona, Iowa. For some reason, I have always missed going there when in the Kalona area despite hearing so many good things about it.
Like many of the Amish buildings it is a very plain newer building. As I stepped inside, I wasn't sure they were really open as the interior was so dimly lit. It was like I had to squint as I looked around.
But, I found a few yummy looking pastries to take back home and some will also make their way with me to my sister's home` in Indiana. I did buy one tasty looking "Danish" to enjoy later this evening with a big glass of milk.
I am glad I made the trip early this AM to this well known bakery, however, Jaarsma Bakery in Pella, Iowa, I would profess, is still the king of bakeries that I have visited. Their selection of bakery items just goes on and on. Also, they way everything is displayed and laid out can't be beat. Plus, when I go into Jaarsma's, I don't have to squint or dodge horse droppings on the way.
In high school at old Laurel High, I did real well in Geometry, but, not in Algebra. My stumbling block in Algebra were the problems like the following. "If one train is traveling west doing 60 MPH and one train is traveling east at 40 MPH and the wind is out of the north at 20 MPH, what is the name of the CONDUCTOR?" Those problems always drove me nuts!
Monday, December 11, 2017
Several years ago, when living in Marshalltown, Iowa, it was lunch time and I found myself at the Marshalltown Town Center and at a fast food place called "Blimpie's." It was a competitor of places like Subway and they always seemed a little better than other places like that, but, I digress.
I was in line for my usual Italian Sub and moving along the line and near the regular "Classic Chip." It was not in sight. There were, it seemed, dozens of various brands and types of chips--Cheddar, BBQ flavors, but, no plain chips.
The young lady behind the counter, and who appeared not to be out of her teens, was ready to take my money. I asked about not being able to find not one "plain" type or Classic chip. I will never forget her reply, "Oh!" she said, "I believe we have some of THOSE in the back and they are quite good!"
I rest my case. There are becoming, in my estimation, too many choices, and maybe, just maybe, the very thing that started it all and was good is slowly lost in the stampede!
Dining out has always been one of my life's little pleasures. Eating out or at home is something to enjoy as a pleasurable experience, not just something to do because you are hungry.
But, like all of life's experiences, occasionally, things can go wrong. Some of the following observations while dining out can leave me--let's say a little edgy. First, when you are seated by the hostess and then no one acknowledges your presence for a time, you start to get the feeling this may be a bad experience. If you are not sure who your waitress is within the first 5 minutes it could mean trouble.
Another observation is being offered too many choices--too many sides, dressings, pepper for salad, selections of wines, and so on. Let's not forget about the size of the portions. More food--more profit. But, as we get older we are eating less.
If you comment on the huge salad, the waitress will simply say-"Oh! You can share it with someone or take it home to eat tomorrow." Hey! How about smaller portions, for less money and let me eat it all now. Besides, I don't necessarily care for leftovers. Tomorrow is a new day with new food tastes to experience. Life is short! Normally, the waitress just gives that -"You are an idiot" look!
At the end of the meal and waiting patiently for the bill, the waitress drops it off by saying "I'll take that when you are ready." She says this as she is walking by. I've learned to stop her cold in her tracks and with a quick glance at the amount of the bill, then send her on her way with my debit or credit card.
Also, I've never understood why waitresses or waiters feel compelled to clear dishes from the table and then leave you sitting there for an unreasonable amount of time. Maybe I should whip out a deck of cards next time! Just bring the check and let me out of here!
I woke up this morning and realized I had a dream that wasn't scary, weird, but, actually made sense and was somewhat logical. Throughout the dream, I was out somewhere cleaning windows or planning window jobs.
The last couple of days, I have been concentrating on a new advertising logo, etc for next Spring as I plan on expanding my business into the Coralville/Iowa City area and maybe even the Grinnell vicinity. A dream like that where you have been thinking about something vigorously makes more sense.
Today, I plan on not trying to think about much at all. Let's see where that gets me in the Dream Department.
1. When you realize that by jumping off even a foot drop you could break something or seriously injure yourself.
2. You mistake a nickel for a quarter while searching for change.
3. You still want to pick up that penny or nickel, but, bending over just isn't worth the risk.
4. You study the price of bananas longer than your retirement portfolio.
5. Basketball on T.V. seems to move faster than it used to.
6. You ask another Senior friend at the grocery store "How you feeling?" It's mid-morning, but, by the time you and the friend discuss all your ailments, you realize you missed lunch!
7. Tired of being told concerning technology--"But you can do it!"
8. Even if the Church Ice Cream Social started at 3 PM and you walked in at 2:30 PM most everybody you know is already there.
9. Instead of walking like a Drum Major leading a band, you shuffle more with a slight limp.
10. When going out to lunch, you realize there is nothing on the menu under $5.00.
Sunday, December 10, 2017
It seems like most cities are always looking more growth and it never seems like they have had enough. More, more, and more! Wouldn't it be funny if some City Manager or Mayor had a press conference and made the following announcement.
"We are today to announce that we will not be encouraging any Company to consider our fair city to re-locate. At this time we feel our town and all that makes it run is JUST RIGHT unless it can be done within the confines of our existing border." Don't hold your breath. It will probably never happen at least not in our lifetime!
Yesterday I attended a household auction in Belle Plaine, Iowa. Going over there for the last two times has been like Lucy holding the football for Charlie Brown. He thinks she won't pull the ball out, again, but, she does. That's how the auctions have been lately in Belle Plaine. But, I keep going.
There was only one thing there, though, that I thought was kind of cool. It was a vintage, late 1800's, chalk board slate bi-fold & wood framed. It was old and had been used but still in pretty good shape. I bid all the way up to $8.00 and had to beat out a nice elderly lady. No guilt here!
That was the only thing I got all heated up about, paid for my only purchase, and headed home. After checking E Bay when I got home, I was happy to find one just like it listed at $124.95. I don't plan on selling it any time soon, but, it always me feel good when I eye something that I have never seen before at an auction and just tell myself for a while what a GENIUS I am. And, believe me, I know that it is worth only what someone will pay me!
Her name was Penny. She was a blue-eyed, chestnut blonde beauty. A cross between a Jane Fonda and Elizabeth Montgomery.
I first met her at a party that I put on with a couple of friends at a park in Urbandale, Iowa in the later 1970's. I think maybe she just heard about party and actually crashed it. It doesn't matter, I was always so grateful and happy that she came into my life that evening.
Our timing from the beginning was not the best. Even though we started seeing each other on a regular basis, I had committed with a friend and fellow bachelor, Bob, Merritt, as we had purchased a new home jointly at 1806 Rio Valley Drive in Clive, Iowa.
I know she sensed that if I did go ahead and buy the house with Bob, it would hurt our relationship and future plans together. Her intuition was probably correct in that I had only been divorced for less than a year and it was my feeling that despite my very strong feelings for her, it was too soon to commit again. I simply wanted to enjoy bachelorhood for awhile as I had married the first time at such an early age.
She made one last and very strong attempt to pursue me by renting a very nice home on Douglas Avenue in Des Moines and enticing me one evening with a candle lit dinner and romantic evening. I recall the following day was one of the longest and most stressful I have or had ever encountered. I have thought many times that I possibly had made the wrong decision. But, that's life. To this day, when I think about her, I am not sad but, only think good thoughts about her and how at the time she brighten my life!
Last night, Sunday AM, I presume, 12/10/2017, the dream I had almost made some sense. I was in this movie theater and in the process of leaving and exiting down this very narrow isle.
Being at a movie in a dream is no surprise as I love movies and usually see one at least weekly. For some reason the seats had been moved and were all slanted not straight on for some reason. The pew that I sit in at the Laurel United Methodist Church was moved slightly and re-arranged at an angle facing the front of the church.
And, the place where I actually exited the movie theater in my dream was so narrow I had to squeeze out sideways, despite the fact that there was this huge overhead door that could be raised. As I was leaving my worry was how bad it would be if a panic started and the audience would be all racing for that narrow exit and that big door wasn't open.
I have always worried about safety issues like that for some reason and have tried to be "aware of my surroundings" as they say! At least this dream weaved in a little more logic to it as Mr. Spock would say!
Saturday, December 9, 2017
As we get older the odds of us falling increases each year. It seems like we all know a friend or family member who has fallen lately and has broken an arm or worse a hip. The following is a short list of ways to reduce the odds of falling.
1. When walking, pick up those feet and stop shuffling. Pretend you are a Drum Major of a marching band and try to step a little higher.
2. Never, ever walk at night when it's dark on a sidewalk without some type of light shining down before you. That one big crack could do you in.
3. When getting out of a shower/bathtub always keep a hold of the hand grip until you get a firm hold on something outside the tub. And, most importantly, move very slowly! You don't want someone finding this naked old person laying there do you?
4. When in or outside and you are up at any height, do NOT attempt to just jump down. You will regret it. Use that step stool again.
5. If you are out in your low lying bushes around your home and doing some Fall cleanup, again move slowly or lean on the rack or whatever tool you are using and treat it like a cane.
6. When getting up in the middle of the night use a wall, your bed to steady yourself. Don't be a cheapskate and leave a bath light or hall light on. Again, move slow even if nature says to hurry!
7. Even if you have to, go down basement stairs backwards. You may feel or look funny doing it, but, if it saves you from doing a SWAN DIVE face first down 10 flights that's OK.
8. If you have a habit of falling, maybe you should consider going to a Sporting Goods Store and purchasing a football helmet or some hip pads just like your favorite football hero straps on. This one is of last resort--maybe!
9. Don't lean over to far while attempting to pick up an object on the floor. Get yourself one of those Grip Gadgets so you don't split your head open on the coffee table with a glass top.
10. If you go out in the winter to get the mail, consider buying some ski poles along with your shoes with slip on cleats, or an old fashion pair of wooden snow shoes w/ the ski poles!
Remember---Be Slow & Be Smart!
Years ago, while watching Johnny Carson interviewing a guest, I would feel sorry for Johnny when the guest would just answer a question with a simple yes or no. I called it a Bad Guest night it was somewhat boring.
Now, I would like to see a guest on one of these Cable News Stations like CNN do the following. After the interviewer goes on and on with some complex question, I would love to have the guest answer with a simple Yes or No! The interviewer sometimes asks for a yes or no, but, gets an answer with anything but! If you ever see it happen let me know!
My dream last night came out of nowhere, again, in that it was about something that wasn't really on my mind especially during the Christmas season. I was working in this big warehouse with several other guys. We were unloading bags and bags of top soil,potting soil, etc. and stacking them around the building with no rhyme or reason.
I don't have a clue why I would be unloading SOIL this time of year. Not even in the Top 500 things on my mind, especially in the winter. Or, it could be that the dream's meaning has nothing to do with the oil, but, warehouses, just the unloading or working with a group of guys? Strange.
When I was younger, it was a time when men in business wore mostly suits or at least sport jackets. With a dark suit one wore black or maybe cordovan shoes-- never brown unless maybe you wore a brown suit.
Then, in the last few years the trend has been to wear brown shoes with dark suits. Keep in mind that those brown shoes for some were very expensive and the best leather.
Now, the latest trend, especially for the young trendy guys, are brown shoes that appear to be a size or two too big and come to a POINT! It reminds me of something a Court Jester would wear. My personal opinion is that it looks hideous!
Yup! Pointy shoes that goes with the dark suit look that looks like their suit shrunk and is a size or so too small. Good luck with the look if you are somewhat overweight! And, we used to think that clothes designers just hated women?
Friday, December 8, 2017
Everyone is always saying that we should never put on Facebook etc, when we are leaving or on vacation. I don't really care. I not only have a next door neighbor who keeps a sharp eye out when I'm gone I also have someone who drives by daily when gone.
But, most importantly, a friend that I have gotten to know, since he moved here from the east coast, sits with my kitty Tommy in my absence. My friend, Lennie, moved to this area mysteriously about two years ago. He had worked for this "Family" in the Newark New Jersey area and was employed by them in the Refuse Business and was a Labor Negotiator.
I love his personality and his tenderness around my Tommy. Even though he speaks with a heavy Brooklyn accent and his appearance can be somewhat intimidating with his big bulky frame and crooked nose, he is really just a "Pussycat!" I'm so happy to have a good friend like Lennie Rigatoni looking after my interest while I'm on Holiday!
On some day around Christmas, we always had Christmas at my Grandpa and Grandma Laverty's place just one mile due west of our farm home. My two uncles also lived within a mile and all were expected to be there.
One thing I always remember about my Grandma Annie Laverty was her method of shopping. I knew they were relatively wealthy, but, my Grandma was pretty frugal. I will just say that some if not a lot of her Christmas shopping was done in Marshalltown during the Sidewalk Sales in July.
She was never skimpy on the amount of items the grand-kids received and, it was always somewhat amusing that if I got a pair of mittens so did my cousin Allen. I always thought it was kind of neat that, possibly, a lot of her shopping for Christmas was done months ahead. Plus, Christmas time would never be complete without giving her credit for my love of Oyster Soup! Merry Christmas Grandma! And, in case I forget. Happy Birthday in advance. 12/31/1883.
MY ROOM-continued
One thing I did get for my bedroom at some point was an electric blanket. Our upstairs was not heated in the winter as my mom tried to conserve heat in our big house the best she could. Some mornings I would wake up and see my breath and steam coming off that electric blanket. I never did horse around on those cold winter mornings and couldn't wait to get downstairs and warmth!
And, I don't want anyone to think I lived a scary life, but! The stairs to the attic were next to my room. If anyone or any THING would have come down from there to maybe get me, I was trapped because the stairs and the door to up there was between my room and the stairs going downstairs. I would have been a dead kid! Even my sister, Doris, whose room was in the southwest corner, couldn't have saved me.
Oh Ya! Back to cleaning. Every Saturday morning I had to clean my room. All clothes hung in the closet, throw rugs shook out my window, hardwood floors dusted including all DUST BUNNIES under my bed! The ritual and rule was simple. Room cleaned or not go anywhere on Saturday night. End of story!
I'm going to continue to document my dreams as long as they show some significance of some kind. Maybe, if over a week or longer they continue or it appears some kind of trend is tracking then maybe I'll learn something. Maybe I can become my own Shrink or maybe I'll have a reader's contest and after reading various results, I'll give a prize out of some kind!
Now about that dream last night. (12/07/2017) It started with me attempting to drive back down an elevated area of some kind(maybe up in a mountainous area)but, was forced to turn back after water from a mountain stream? was rising very quickly. I remember sitting there for a short time contemplating whether to cross or not.
Wisely, I didn't and drove up and remember looking way down into a valley where the stream was raging. As I wondered around up in the woods of higher ground, I was worrying about what I would eat and how I would find it.
My second dream in a week has involved running water. The second dream was in the mountains which I dearly do love. And, the food thing is not too difficult to figure as I'm always thinking about food and my next meal menu. Maybe the water thing is about my potty run in the middle of the night or I'm leaving my kitchen faucet dripping!
Tuesday night, 12/05/2017, I had the strangest dream about an old friend and real estate broker from many decades ago, a lady who I think was supposed to be a potential buyer of a home, and myself as a real estate salesman.
I'm not sure where we were or what we were trying to accomplish exactly, but, the three of us kept getting tangled up in this very long golf course with long narrow sand traps and water hazards. It was really strange.
I haven't thought about my friend in over 40 years and since I don't play golf or have any interest in doing so I don't know what that was all about. The female customer was pretty, but, unknown, although I believe I was showing some interest in her! It makes you wonder about all the stuff that is going on in the mind while you are sleeping?
Thursday, December 7, 2017
"I dated someone who was so fat that when I first met her at a Macy's Day Parade she had ropes hanging from her arms and legs!
My room was on the second floor of our farm home, one of five upstairs and was a good pick on my part as it was tucked in between two larger bedrooms, but, cozier, faced south and sunny, and also had a built in ledge that went across the length of the three windows and room that faced south.
From there, I could see all who came to our abode as the driveway was in front of me. I could also see the quarter mile south and anyone coming from that corner and the mile west to highway 14. It was like a look out and my job to keep an eye out for our family as to comings and goings.
The solid wood door to my room had a transom above it that a small window which you could adjust with a device to let in air and additional light in. Also, the closet was a walk-in with an inefficient square shape. There was a small oval window that let additional light in and with 1 by 1 slats at the top one-third of the closet wall let light into the closet of the adjoining bedroom.
My room was decorated simply. A wood double bed with ribbed red bedspread, plain/simple varnished nightstand and chest of drawers. A metal oval shaped waste can with college pennants. No TV, no Computer, and not that many clothes in that closet. On the hard wood floors were two red matching throw rugs. On one wall was a western scene paint by numbers wood framed painting. It wasn't that I couldn't have had more"stuff" in my room, but, there just wasn't all the gadgetry & etc. of today.
-----------to be continued
This morning in the Des Moines Register and to my delight, I found a new potential in state eatery destination. The article was about an Iowa barbecue joint named state's 'most cozy restaurant.'
For its intimate combination of blues, jazz, and Bourbon Street inspired southern food--plus being located in a 170 year old historic grist mill -- a small town Iowa barbecue joint was named the "most cozy restaurant in the state" by Food & Wine magazine.
Flatted Fifth Blues & Barbecue, located in the historic Potters Mill building in Bellevue--just about three hours northeast of Des Moines was chosen by Food & Wine for its blend of southern barbecue and Midwestern Charm.
This place will go the top of my eatery and live music to do list. First, it is only a couple of hours from Williamsburg, Second, its on the Mississippi River which is scenic in itself, Third, I love Cajun/ New Orleans type food, and Fourth, live music of any kind and in a cozy atmosphere is always good. Will be visiting it soon!
When I was a kid around Christmas time, I always looked forward to when our live tree was put up and the whole family helped with the decorating. We had the perfect spot for the tree. In the southeast corner of our living room was a bay window area. This design extended to the second floor and the bedroom in that corner and on up to the attic capped with a cone shaped roof.
From the time the tree was up, lit, fully decorated, slowly surrounded with presents and until just after New Years when it was taken down, that corner was magical and had a life of its own.
But, after the removal of that beautiful view there was always an empty feeling for a time. It seemed it took me a week or so to get over that sad feeling of that very special scene! It carried on through the years after the tree was taken down. I probably should have written a song called "The Post-Christmas Tree Blues!" The good part is that the memory of that brightly lit corner outweighs the blues that followed!
It took a long time for my kids to get it, but, over time they came around when it came to Christmas gifts. At my stage in life, one thing I truly enjoy is eating out at a nice restaurant, a good movie, and traveling. Clothes and other material stuff just isn't big on my Christmas List.
My daughter used to get me all kinds of Iowa Hawkeye wear, which I really never wore to games anyway. She used to buy me Cleveland Browns stuff as I was a big fan of that team since I was a kid up until they moved to Baltimore. But, I never was comfortable wearing that garb.
I know her intentions were very good and with love, but, it took me awhile to convince her that I would be very happy with a "Gift Card" to a restaurant, a movie theater, or something related to traveling.
Wednesday, December 6, 2017
Back in the 1970's, there was a upscale women's clothing store located in an old mansion along Grand Avenue east of Terrace Hill in Des Moines, Iowa called Phase ll. It was owned by Pete Feldman who also owned a women's clothing store, Feldman's, in the Merle Hay Mall on the northwest side of town.
It was fun to shop there for your "Sweetheart" at Christmas time, especially for men. They would have a special night just for men where they would have "beverages and goodies" and Santa Helpers that were young ladies who were easy on the eyes.
The coolest thing to me was the way Pete merchandised his clothing. High on various walls were total outfits pinned to be examined. It was great to stand there look up and if you liked what you saw make your decision on the spot. You would tell one of the clerks if she had maybe the complete outfit(slacks, blouse & sweater) in a certain size then consider it sold. Then they would gift wrap it for you.
You could be in and out of there in very little time. I'm not sure if many places do that sort of thing anymore. I'm sure there are, but, if there aren't there should be!
In the last few years, most of my Christmas shopping has been done at the bank. And, the reasons why are fairly obvious as you get older and especially hiding behind the fact I'm a guy!
But, when I was a younger single bachelor back in the late 1970's, for at least one season found found the perfect way to shop at least for a guy. My close friend, Bob Merritt, and I drove to downtown Des Moines and did our Christmas shopping at the old Younker's store on Walnut Street.
We were greeted by a "Santa's Helper" who followed us around gathering items purchased, and she also gave suggestions. When we were done she added up all the items that we had bought and we paid. The next afternoon, after work, we drove down again and picked everything, completely gift wrapped, had assistance with loading and headed back to the suburbs!
Last week I drove to Vinton, Iowa, about 50 minutes straight north of Williamsburg, Iowa. A lady had obtained my services from an old ad she saw in an advertiser paper. It was a worthwhile drive even though it was outside my normal working radius. (Northern Benton County and County Seat.)
For some strange reason I have never been to this lovely and prospering town. I have traveled all over this state many times and lots to the northeast with all its beauty around McGregor. For some reason, I guess, I have just gone around this picturesque and thriving community.
For me, it's closer than driving to my old home town--Marshalltown from here in Williamsburg, Iowa. The drive was also scenic. I may be expanding my window cleaning to a new frontier!
Sometimes my timing is not the best and that applies to several things. I digress. Yesterday, Tuesday, 12/04/2017, became the first really cold day of December followed by Monday which which set a record in some parts of Iowa as the warmest on record.
Instead of being prepared for Chili or Chicken Noodle Soup, I fixed one of my favorite dishes to prepare---Spinich Quiche! If I do say so myself, it was one the best I have ever made--in looks and taste! I did heat it up a little with a few small shots of Tabasco! Yum! Chili now is on my "Coming Soon" list.
According to the U.S. Department of Labor, Ames had the lowest unemployment rate in the USA. Ames had a 1.4 percent unemployment rate in October 2017 followed by Columbia, Missouri at 1.5 percent.
Researching further it does seem a little odd that several of the cities with the highest unemployment rate were cities in California and a few in areas of Texas and New Mexico. So much for everyone wanting to head to all the sunshine. It also seems strange that cities like Newark, Chicago, and Gary were not in that list.
Tuesday, December 5, 2017
This past week-end I went to see the new movie "Three Billboards-outside Ebbing,Missouri." First, I will say I'm glad I went to see it and is one of the better movies I have witnessed of late.
Having traveled around a lot of this country, I did notice something odd right away. The setting outside the town, specifically the mountains seemed awfully tall for Missouri. I never have seen peaks with that height anywhere in Missouri. Researching, I found that the tallest peak in Missouri is only 1,700 feet.
Checking further, I found that the Movie location was in and around Ashville, North Carolina. The Blue Ridge Mountains in the area rise to above 6,000 feet. Sometimes I wish I wouldn't pick up on stuff like that but I just do.When I was a kid I would notice stuff like the tire tracks of the truck with the camera crew leading a cowboy riding his horse or shooting 10 times with his 6 shooter! PS I don't believe there is actually an Ebbing, Missouri.
Before I start, I want everyone to know that I have no sympathy for any of these guys that have been accused of sexual mis-behavior, assuming any charges are credible. I have know two or three of these types in my lifetime and had no tolerance for them.
Having said that, I would say that women, maybe now, will stand up for themselves against any type of bullying. We teach women to be "ladies" and somewhat passive and that doesn't always work.
I wish my Aunt Vivian was still alive and I could witness her if one of these "clowns" tried to take advantage of her. By the time she would have been done with him, he would have been begging to be arrested and under the protection of the cops!
One piece of advice to women. Don't get yourself in certain predicaments if it can be avoided. If a little voice tells you something isn't right--listen to that voice and SCRAM or YELL! PS. That would have gone for her sister too--my mom! End of story!
The other evening, I was doing some of my normal channel surfing and hit upon one of the many food channels. On it was the owner and chef of some fancy/ smancy eatery in some big city.
One thing that he did say was that when they cook their Special premium steak, they cook it without anything added and just cook it on flat grill and keep flipping it over and over on a constant basis--then serve it up!
It's uncertain what the actual cut they use, but, sometime it is a shame when a restaurant spoils the taste of a good steak with some rub or spices. Sometimes it's good to just enjoy the taste and flavor of something in its purest form! -
More cleaning--I'm not sure if it was every Spring and Fall,but, yes, we cleaned the basement and attic at least once a year. In Laurel, at one time was the Lumber Yard where we purchased this red and somewhat oily sweeping compound. We bought a lot of it.
I bet no one in three counties had as clean a basement or attic. Remember, s lot of basements were just dirt floors ours was concrete, and our attic was the whole size of the house laid with wide wood nailed floorboards.
As a side note, you could see south to Newton 20 miles away from up there and to the west my Grandpa Laverty's farm one mile away. Plus, there was a small attic above the main attic. What its purpose was , I never knew. I never went up there as it would have taken a stepladder to reach it. Now I wish I had!
There was an article in the Des Moines Register yesterday that headlined--"After 99 years, this iconic Iowa hot dog joint is closing its doors." It was about a Sioux City eatery that will close as its owner, Steve Margeas passed away six months ago. It was originally opened in 1918 by his dad George Margeas.
If you live in the Des Moines area you can still enjoy a Coney hot dog at Ted's Coney Island on Ingersoll and another location further west. I believe there is also a "Jim's" Coney Island on the south side. And, just for nostalgia, there used to be George's Chili King near Merle Hay Road years ago. It was my personal favorite! Ironically, I never cared for a Chili Dog.
to Earth,
Late Saturday afternoon while returning from Amana, I witnessed the full "Supermoon" just east of Williamsburg, Iowa. I really didn't realize it was when the moon is at its closest to Earth. It was really beautiful and at the same time with a few strata clouds on the horizon to the west the sunset and its coloring was also spectacular! Timing is everything!
Late Saturday afternoon while returning from Amana, I witnessed the full "Supermoon" just east of Williamsburg, Iowa. I really didn't realize it was when the moon is at its closest to Earth. It was really beautiful and at the same time with a few strata clouds on the horizon to the west the sunset and its coloring was also spectacular! Timing is everything!
The Cake Baker/Gay Customer issue that will be going to the Supreme Court, of course, got me thinking. I know I wouldn't want anyone making or cooking anything for me if I was forcing them to do so. I would be worried about what "extra" kinds of stuff might be in that product!
Years ago, I had a very close friend who worked as a waitress at a Trendy restaurant in the West Des Moines area. A customer had sent a steak back because it wasn't done to his perfection. The chef simply threw the steak on the floor and stomped on it to squeeze some of the blood out of it and then put it back on grill for a while and then re-served it!
Monday, December 4, 2017
We know how wealthy Beverly Hills is. During the Christmas season their Salvation Army opens with a comedian! Johnny Carson rerun-------
Sunday, December 3, 2017
Along with Fall window cleaning another ritual was cleaning the grove just north of our farm home. They were primarily very old mature soft maple. Mid afternoon or after school, my mom and us kids would go and rake from end to the other and also pick up fallen limbs and put it all in to a pile at the far end.
What made this task so much fun was knowing that we would be roasting some hot-dogs over that open fire along with other yummy stuff. There was something magical about that bonfire at dusk or just after it turned dark. It sure beat the heck out of gas or charcoal grills. It least it was a lot more fun!
Years ago, while eating at That Place near Conrad, Iowa, I always had a difficult time deciding to order Prime Rib or Walleye. At some point, I convinced one of the waitresses to come up with a "combo" that included both. Why not? There have been for years---"Surf & Turf!" I haven't became known as the "Combo guy" there.
Yesterday afternoon,12/02/2017, while dining at the Ox Yoke Inn in Amana, Iowa, I somewhat did the same thing as in That Place. I ordered my main meal the had them bring me a chicken breast to take home to eat later. I didn't want to do a combo as I knew it would be too much to eat at one meal.
I chose chicken because even though I have never ordered it at the Ox Yoke, it was a very popular item and always looked so good going by me on a tray to another table. They only charged me $2.95 for a very plump breast and IT was delicious cold later that evening with a cold glass of milk. I can't wait till my next trip! Lesson learned. You never will know unless you ask!
I heard this AM on XM Radio Johnny Cash and "Folsom Prison Blues." It was a classic and I'm glad I got to hear it one more time. Johnny Cash was one of THE best!
After reading this morning an article in the Des Moines Register about De-Cluttering, it made me think about my own "de-cluttering." The article was about a lady from Sweden by the name of Margaretta Magnusson and her book "The Art of Swedish Death Cleaning."
In Sweden, people 65 years and older take part in "doestaedning" or death cleaning--a traditional de-cluttering to streamline your belongings while you're still healthy enough to do the job--thus saving relatives the difficult task of sorting through them after you're gone.
In my lifetime, I know I have moved at least a dozen times and been divorced twice and one long term relationship break-up. That automatically adds up to getting rid of "stuff." Besides, I have always been pretty much a "minimalist" and never have built up too much. I guess I got that trait, good or bad, from my mother. She was always cleaning and throwing stuff away.
I consider myself still in good health and don't feel I have to go on some kind of "Death Cleaning" jag. By my best estimation, someone will just have to come in with a medium sized U Haul and take away just mainly a lot of family and personal memorabilia all stored neatly in plastic tots!
I was overdue to drive over to Amana, Iowa, to dine at the Ox Yoke Inn and enjoy a little Walleye. My thinking was to go over early around 4PM and get there before the normal crowd and eat with a few other "Early Birds."
Boy was I wrong. I didn't check it out to know that this week-end was the "Prelude to Christmas." There were people running around all over the place. But still, there couldn't be that many people eating at this time of day. Wrong again!
It wasn't that bad even though the place was full and humming. My number was 14 and I only had a 10 minute wait. I can't imagine if I would have waited till 5 or 6PM! I will admit that eating was more enjoyable with lots of people around than eating alone with just an echo!
Yesterday afternoon I drove over to the Ox Yoke Inn in Amana for my favorite meal-Walleye.
But, after studying the menu, I decided to give the Catfish a try as in my entire life I have never had it. It just never appealed to me as it just never looked to be that appetizing. A homely fish that lives mainly in rivers. That was my perception. And, no one I knew ever really raved about it like Walleye or other fish.
So, what the heck! No time like the present and I decided to go for it! What a mistake. I assumed that the Ox Yoke, if anybody, could make it tasty if anyone could. Nope! Not much meat in that one little fish and real bony. It was a good thing that the meal included tasty potatoes w/gravy, creamy Cole slaw, yummy cottage cheese from A&E, homemade bread w/ strawberry jelly, and of course, sauerkraut as always. The good news is I will be back sooner than expected to once again savor my favorite--Walleye!
Saturday, December 2, 2017
It was my job in the Fall to wash our outside windows--just the downstairs. I'm not sure at what age this ritual started for me, but, probably not to long after my dad passed away in 1953.
In the Fall the old wood screens came down and off and up from the basement came the heavy wood framed storm windows. And, of course the reverse was done in the Spring. Vinegar and water with old rags were used to clean the windows after hosing down all to remove cobwebs and whatever else.
Three things came out of this day long task. First, Fall remains my favorite season because it was always a beautiful sunny day when doing them. Second, I still enjoy doing them even as a profession using a Squeegee, a little Dawn, and old towels as they still are the best. Little did I know I was being groomed to do it as a profession later in life.
Thirdly, On those Saturdays, warm and crisp, set up on the cozy west side of our home, I also listened to my favorite football team the Iowa Hawkeyes on my blue portable`radio! Life couldn't have been better. It was just the "Voice" of the Iowa Hawkeyes--Jim Zabel and yours truly!
It's time to start or at thinking about baking those Holiday treats. I plan on at least making some Sugar Cookies with at least some coloring-maybe red or green. Part of my wanting to bake Sugar Cookies is a tribute to my Great Aunt Tillie Laverty who when I was a kid I thought they were the best cookie period!
And, it wasn't just around Christmas time that she had them. It was all the time. The first thing on my mind when going there to visit was heading to her pantry and being offered one of those beloved morsels.
Even my mother who lived in the town of Laurel would ride a horse*(never was sure where she got the horse) down to my Aunt Tillie's home three miles south of town to get one of those delights. Furthermore, my mother wasn't even related to my Aunt and not until she married my dad! I don't care if by today's standards they were not that healthy, but, in my world back then they couldn't be beat!
This is just my own observation, but, if Mueller goes after Trump and/or family, it could be like "Watching a mother bear being cornered between a hunter and her baby cub!" There is no Soap Opera that can top the drama or comedy that this past year has provided!
This past week I was watching a particular Congressman talking about the upcoming Tax Bill and how it would drastically effect a family making $70,000 or $35,000 each spouse. And, he described this family as being in the lower end of the income or tax scale.
Boy, that made me feel old once more. "Why I remember"---when a good friend of mine way back in the late 1970's was taking a position as Manager of a large wholesale drug company in Minneapolis, Minnesota. His salary was going to be $35,000! All of his friends were "OOHING AND AAHING!" Time marches on!
Let me see you have maybe -----1. Treason 2. Logan Act 3. Conspiracy 4. Impeachment 5. A Crime 6. Obstruction of Justice 7. Lying to FBI 8. Collusion. I must have left something out! Will our Democracy survive?
Friday, December 1, 2017
This past week-end my sister drove out from her home in NW Indiana for a visit with my other sister Doris and myself. The first evening she stayed with me in my home here in Williamsburg, Iowa.
What made her visit special for me is it was maybe the first time she and I spent the first evening together, just one on one. Like most reunions with siblings there are spouses, children, grand-parents or someone else around. Since we have a lot in common in Politics, Writing, Movies, Travel, & Sense of Humor, etc. it meant so much to me! Hopefully again sometime!
Most mornings when I'm on my morning walk, I run in to high school kids scurrying to school. Most just look down and ignore eye contact while some will trade pleasantries. A young girl this morning was coming toward me and with this very bright smile gave me a very audible "Good Morning" and happily did I respond. It made my day!
I don't know how it came up, but, as of this week I'm mixing a little Arm & Hammer baking soda with my toothpaste for my morning brushing. I know my teeth are a little whiter. Why I didn't start doing this many years ago is beyond me.
I'm sure when I was younger it didn't dawn on me because I went to a dentist more regularly. For sure it is cheaper than buying a toothpaste with baking soda. Anyway, I'm glad I found a good habit that will enhance my boyish good looks!
VACATIONS by AUTO 50's- part 2
Stops throughout the day weren't easy. Unlike today where you can easily stop at a rest stop for potty breaks, knowing easily where to stop for gas and knowing that some restaurants,chains, and their food will be pretty much consistent. Plus, today with all the computer gadgets, GPS, apps, etc. making a lot of decision making much easier.
Not all this was true 60 years ago and in some ways made it more of an adventure. Most of the food types were pretty much the same--"American." There weren't many pizza, Mexican, Oriental, etc at least in the mid-west. Then nearest thing to a Sub sandwich was sopping at a grocery store and making your own. The daily budget was generally $10-$20 a day including food, gas, and lodging.
Next, we would normally start looking for a motel around 4 o'clock or so. You didn't want to go very far beyond that time, especially, if you stared seeing a lot of "no vacancy" signs. Most motels were just small mom & pop operations not bigger chains. Maybe 10-20 rooms lined up in a row. If you were lucky a window air-conditioner, TV was not always a sure thing, and if you were really lucky an outdoor swimming pool. My mother would always go in and check out the room first before taking it unlike today.
Back then, even though it was more of an adventure, many great memories were created no different than today--just different. *One footnote is about one summer at least, I collected ash trays from motels and restaurants!
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