Wednesday, December 13, 2017


      Years ago, I watched this movie where some old judge made a statement that went something like--"The truth lies in the middle." Along those lines is "Where there is smoke there is fire." And, on and on!

       With all the political battling  going on this past year and both political parties getting more "extreme, " I felt compelled to jump in an do a little "opinionating" of my own. Most of mine will be satire aimed at both sides of the political spectrum.

        Some of my criticism and satire will be aimed at "Mainstream Media" and how covering so called news has changed since the days of Edward R. Morrow or Walter Cronkite. Hopefully, we you read my "fluff" you will tend to chuckle than get angry. If you can't then maybe you have a good sense of humor! Stay tuned!

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