Sunday, December 3, 2017


      After reading this morning an article in the Des Moines Register about De-Cluttering, it made me think about my own "de-cluttering." The article was about a  lady from Sweden by the name of Margaretta Magnusson and her book "The Art of Swedish Death Cleaning."

        In Sweden, people 65 years and older take part in "doestaedning" or death cleaning--a traditional de-cluttering to streamline your belongings while you're still healthy enough to do the job--thus saving relatives the difficult task of sorting through them after you're gone. 

         In my lifetime, I know I have moved at least a dozen times and been  divorced twice and one long term relationship break-up. That automatically adds up to getting rid of "stuff." Besides, I have always been pretty much a "minimalist" and never have built up too much. I guess I got that trait, good or bad, from my mother. She was always cleaning and throwing stuff away. 

       I consider myself still in good health and don't feel I have to go on some kind of "Death Cleaning" jag. By my best estimation, someone will just have to come in with a medium sized U Haul and take away just mainly a lot of family and personal memorabilia all stored neatly in plastic tots!  

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