Tuesday, December 26, 2017


       I finally saw would I might say is the best movie I have seen at least during 2017. I was in doubt about the whole premise of the "Greatest Show on Earth"--Circus and in the form of a Musical.

       It worked perfectly for me being a big fan of fun musicals and mixing it with one of my favorite childhood and adult "HAPPY" memories! The movie "The Greatest Showman" about its founder, P.T. Barnum, is an absolute winner. As Barnum, Hugh Jackman absolutely without a doubt is Barnum. 

        I shouldn't admit it when a movie can make me laugh, smile, get choked up, and bring a tear. It was total delight in a movie. It's very rare after leaving a movie that I say---"I could turn right around and see that again!" The last time that happened was when I first saw Mama Mia at the Civic Center in Des Moines, Iowa. I f you want to feel really good go see it now!

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