Monday, December 11, 2017


1. When you realize that by jumping off even a foot drop you could break something or seriously injure yourself.

2. You mistake a nickel for a quarter while searching for change.

3. You still want to pick up that penny or nickel, but, bending over just isn't worth the risk.

4. You study the price of bananas longer than your retirement portfolio.

5. Basketball on T.V. seems to move faster than it used to.

6. You ask another Senior friend at the grocery store "How you feeling?" It's mid-morning, but, by the time you and the friend discuss all your ailments, you realize you missed lunch!

7. Tired of being told concerning technology--"But you can do it!"

8. Even if the Church Ice Cream Social started at 3 PM and you walked in at 2:30 PM most everybody you know is already there.

9. Instead of walking like a Drum Major leading a band, you shuffle more with a slight limp.

10. When going out to lunch, you realize there is nothing on the menu under $5.00.

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