Monday, December 18, 2017


       After the so-called historic win in the special election in Alabama this past week, I couldn't help, but, chuckle a bit. This solid "Red" state just elected a Democrat for the first time in 20 plus years. Rippy skip! Alabama and most of the  South was "Blue" for over 100 years until the `1960's.  If Roy Moore would't have had all the sexual allegations against him, it probably would have been an easy win for Moore. 

       Maybe we are watching the pendulum  swing back again.  I never thought that in my lifetime "Blue Collar Workers" would be fairly solid with the Republicans. And, wouldn't it be funny if some of these groups (suburbanites,  women, minorities, Gays, etc would do some flip-flopping for whatever reasons by the next major election! That's what makes this all so fascinating. Is this a great country or what!

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