Thursday, December 28, 2017


        I don't know how many of you remember what is called "Trash T.V."---Jerry Springer, Maury Povich, Morton Downey Jr., or Phil Donahue! I really never cared for all the phony and staged yelling, screaming, & arguing right on stage. At the same time the audience was reacting to all the on-stage theatrics by reacting with yelling and screaming!

         It finally dawned on me that Trash TV of old is exactly what is happening on the Cable News shows of late. And, when we have a "colorful" guy like Trump to romp and stomp it makes for successful TV viewing by some and above all--money making sky high ratings for these Networkks like MSNBC CNN. 

        Without getting to the make up of the audiences of Trash TV, there was a certain segment of the population that thrived on this stuff. Not me! However, when it comes to all of this political malarkey of today, thanks to a large part to "Donald Trump," I have become a fan just like the old Trash TV bunch. 

        I love getting up in the early AM, tuned to CNN, and know they have some patsy on with Conservative leanings and they are in the early stages of bashing him or her to death. I get my cup of coffee and take my seat. I start yelling at the TV--"Get him!"  with a few choice phrases thrown in like "You are an idiot' --and much much more even with hand gestures! This stuff is better than watching a heavy weight boxing match. 

       It is especially thrilling when your Political Hero gets the best of the know it all commentator and your cheering! And, you know your contender has won when the Know-It-All says it's time for a "Quick Break!"  Yaaaa!  


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