Tuesday, March 8, 2016


     This past week has continued to emphasize the very importance of not only writing about personal stories and loved ones, but, the added pleasure of sharing those treasure's with others.
The best example has been with my sister Doris finding the poem written by my Aunt Mary in Tribute to my dad when he passed away in 1953. 

      By using at least this Blog form, I was able to pull that poem out of an obscure box tucked away and brought out for many interested friends and family to enjoy. And, pass along to others that maybe remembered these family members or of there place and importance in family history. 

      I repeat and will repeat many times the importance of keeping our heritage alive and the pleasure it will give you to assist in sharing these important memories with many interested individuals. Now if I can just learn to pass along photos to coincide with the narrative! Give me time!


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