Saturday, March 12, 2016


      Last night I attended a Fish Fry at St. Mary's Catholic Church here in Williamsburg. The food was very good, but, I still miss the Fry At The Knights of Columbus in Marshalltown. I may just go up next Friday night as I believe it may be the last one before Easter.

      Anyway, a year ago I saw the sign on the street for the one at St. Mary's and just assumed it was that particular Friday night. Being new to the town and not a member of the Church I just got it in my mind that the Fry was that certain night. After work I went home and got cleaned up, changed into some decent duds and off I went. 

       I was met with this huge empty parking lot. Looking at the sign closer the small print told me that the event was the following Friday. I was so disappointed and somewhat angry that couldn't made the sign a little larger with the date. I guess that is just part of getting older. It seems like everything I read keeps getting smaller and smaller. And, when I bring it up I really get disgusted when people just look at me and chuckle!

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