Tuesday, March 8, 2016


      Yes! The Debates have become simply for the ratings! Every network or Cable station wants those ratings and the likes of Fox(Fair & Balanced, MSNBC(left wing answer to Fox really like to skew their questions and really get and let the contenders get all fired up and out of hand.

        And, why do we need so many debates. Now that we are down to a hand full why not have more one on one interviews and stick to just issues "as much as possible." The trouble with these politicians they get a "stump" question or issue  thrown at them and they are just like pushing a button and out comes the same speech over and over. And, you can't shut them up.

       Maybe someone needs to come with a written "objective" test with a slate of questions with only so much space to write them in. Publish it in newspaper or at a site online and just let us read his or her response. If it is written it is a little more difficult to squirm out of a position or answer. There has to be a better way than these debates. Especially with Donald Trump. If he gets too out of hand a big Hook comes out from  stage right and yanks him off!   

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