Sunday, March 20, 2016


      Sometimes I get the itch to get back into photography as a hobby. Years ago I had a good 35 mm camera with zooms, power wind and wide angle lens. And, at a time when we used "real" film.

      The other day while rummaging through some "old photos" I ran across one of my favorite that I took back in 1980 on January 2nd on Malibu Beach, California. We had been out visiting friends and attending the Rose Bowl with Ohio State vs. USC. The following day and before heading home, we went out to Malibu Beach just to say that I had walked the beach there.

       While walking the beach, of course I had my camera and was ready for a good photo of some kind. All of a sudden I spotted this guy out a short distance on a serf board and decided to take a shot. When I shot the picture he was just on the verge of falling off in this awkward position and the same time  another young guy was walking toward me and was throwing a Frisbee to his dog. When I had the photo developed I also discovered I  had caught a sea gall in the picture. 

       I thought I had a pretty cool picture. Especially, with the guy falling from the surf board plus the dog on the verge of catching the Frisbee in his mouth. I took it to a Photo Shop in Des Moines later and the gut there said it wasn't really a good photo because there was too much stuff going on. I still wish I would have it enlarged and entered it at the Iowa State Fair. I still think it's a pretty good Photograph if I do say so!

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