Tuesday, March 1, 2016


       Last Saturday evening I was listening to the beginning of an Iowa State basketball game on the radio in my car while driving to Victor for a Fish Fry. The announcer was giving the names of the starting line-up along with the year in school, his height and weight.

       It got me to thinking about some of the things we take for granted in sports and announcing the weight of a basketball player is one. Is it that important to know his weight. I suppose if he the Center we want him to be big and bulky to push the other guy around?

       I have really never paid attention if they announce the weight of women in ladies basketball or other women's sports for that matter. Most women I have known don't want anyone to know their weight or age. But, maybe when you are 18 years old, 5'7" tall and weigh 125 lbs. that's OK. 

    Also, in football we always want to know that our lineman weigh up around 300 lbs. Where is that all going to end. The other teams coach doesn't want to be outdone so tries to beef up his guys to 325. Crazy!

      And, lastly I have always thought it was insane when in wrestling they keep making these kids gain or lose weight constantly to be able to stay in a certain weight class. Maybe I have too much time on my hands!

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