Thursday, March 24, 2016


      You have to laugh at some of the lyrics in the songs from the 1950's. This song by Little Richard is right up there. Especially, when you hear a phrase like "Wop Bop a Loo Bop a Lop Bom Bom!" and "I got a gal named Sue She Knows Just What To Do!" You can't beat it!

       Back in the 1980's, there was a bar/club in the Court Avenue area of downtown Des Moines, Iowa. On one ocassion yours truly with some encouragement when out on the dance floor  did a "lip sink" to this song by Little Richard. I knew the lyrics well and did such a good job that I won "free drinks" for my entire office of Realtors who were there!  Don't forget! "He also had a gal named Daisy who almost drove him Crazy!" 

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