Tuesday, March 8, 2016


      With everything going on right now in the political world, a thought popped up today and out of nowhere like a lot of my thoughts do. One thing that I learned  in economics in my younger years was the term "Guns and Butter." 

       At one time during my younger years it was a term used meaning when a nation chooses  between domestic or peace time spending versus military spending. Maybe that is why right now it is really troublesome for me to wonder about our 18 or 19 trillion deficit. Our country is in big trouble if this deficit number continues to climb. 

        Just think if someone kept buying more and more goods and services on credit cards. Eventually that person would not be able to do anything but attempt to pay off the debt. And, yet we have one candidate that wants to have a lot of free "stuff" and others who really haven't presented a plan to tackle that problem or actually thinks taxes should be lowered further. 

      It took us a long time to get in this predicament and will take some time to get out of it. Fortunately, I will probably not be around to see how it will all play out, but, this current bunch of bungling contenders for the Presidency and our inept Congress, it could get real interesting!  Maybe we will have to do less with both guns and butter.

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