Sunday, March 20, 2016


      For my age, 72, I feel health wise I am in pretty good shape in that I am not taking any prescriptions expect one for cholesterol, a baby aspirin, and a general vitamin each day. Every morning I power walk 25 minutes plus three days a week I work part-time at a local grocery store and am pretty much walking or moving about for 7 hours per day.

    My problem is as it is for millions of Americans weight.For most of last year I lost close to 15 pounds, but, the Holidays killed me and I am back to square one. Or in my case square over 200 plus. 

       My next doctor's appointment is the end of this month (3/2106) and I am going to ask him  if he thinks it wise to get off my cholesterol medication if I lose weight and watch what I eat, and then see what my count is at my next visit. Since my prescription is so cheap it may not be worth the risk. Stay tuned! 

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