Thursday, March 10, 2016


       This time of year there is always talk about that last big snow storm that could hit either yet this March or April. Around these parts you would think it was almost a sure thing.

       I believe it was early in 1973 and Des Moines got its storm. It was a work day and the snow came first lightly early in the morning. My first home that I built was at 1932 90th Street in Clive, Iowa. We were the last street in this development just southwest of 86th & Hickman Road. There wasn't any development west of us just wide open spaces.

        Living out in the country as a kid growing up something told me that this was not going to be just an ordinary snow. Something told me to stay home and not venture out until more time elapsed and we knew how bad it was going to be. For some reason the weather report on the morning TV broadcasts were not certain what was to develop as today.

        For once, I made the right decision t stay home. The storm was a big one and it caused problems throughout the Metro that day. A lot of employees at Allied Mutual, where I was employed, got caught there and had to stay the night or made it across the street to Vet's Auditorium for refuge. My boss made it to a bowling alley, Plaza Lanes, up on Douglas Avenue on foot after his car got stuck along the way after work.

        The funny thing was that several employees that always came early to work and had coffee and visited an hour or so before work started got stranded. They were the "early birds." Dennis was the guy that always just made it in time before work started at 8 AM. This was once where the "Early Bird Didn't Get The Worm."

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