Sunday, March 20, 2016


      A co-worker left for a family rendezvous at Myrtle Beach, North Carolina this past week. I told her to make sure she reports back with a good dining story when she returns. Of course, it reminded me of at least one good dining out story in a scenic setting while traveling.

        It all started years ago, in the 1980's, with a trip to the Meadowlands in New Jersey. It was the first football "Kick-off Classic" between the Iowa Hawkeyes and the Tennessee. It was decided between my ex-wife, May, and I decided to travel on up into New England for a little sight-seeing. No matter if the Hawkeyes lost or not at least make the trip worthwhile.

       Well. the Hawks did lose and we were off and headed to see at least a bit off Maine before heading back home. We headed north from New York City along Connecticut, Rhode Island and stopping in Newport which in itself a story for another day. We continued on through Boston until arriving in Maine.

     I knew before heading back home that somewhere along the beautiful coast of Maine, that the trip would not be complete without dining at a scenic ocean view spot. Somewhere near Kennebunkport was the destination. The key was stopping somewhere along the way and asking the right local person where we would find our dining utopia. 

      We stopped at an upscale gift shop and asked a nice lady there and hit the jack-pot. There was such an area just about five miles down the highway called Perkins Cove. There were three or four excellent restaurants on this cove. All good. Take your pick. After picking our restaurant, the hostess led us to our outdoor patio table. 

       It was just after Labor Day and the air was crisp, the sun out in all its glory and not too windy. What a view of the Atlantic with huge jagged cliffs to one side with the waves crashing about. It was a scene out of a movie. Very little effort by just asking with the reward of  a life-time memory.


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